
Wednesday 29 May 2024

Wild Bird Wednesday 618 - Wigeon

 The Wigeon (Anas penelope) is one of my favourite ducks (and I think we all have a favourite duck!).

These pictures were taken in the UK in February this year.  In the UK the Wigeon is a common winter visitor, and a much rarer breeding species. 

Not only are Wigeon good to look at, their distinctive call is also great. It reminds me of some form of kids toy!

You can see the green speculum on the birds in the second set of pictures, and the distinctive white panel in front of that.

It's been a crazy week!  Hope to visit blogs tomorrow!

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  1. Love ducks in general and this is a great one!

  2. Od razu widzę, że w Europie fotografowałeś! Nasze świstuny są śliczne, zwłaszcza w Twoim obiektywie!

  3. Hari OM
    They are so appealing... YAM xx

  4. Yes, ducks are perpetual favorites. I like yours. Never seen them before and you didn't even mention that velvet chocolate head! Beautiful speculum beautiful. My bird this week is a mystery. Photographed in California Bay area. Sometime back and I lost the identification. Perhaps someone can help us out? Aloha

  5. Beautiful ducks with a cute name! Love the reflections.

  6. In a group of ducks I can change my favourite simply by moving my eyes!

  7. Cute little duck. I have no birdies to share of this week. Love the pictures!
