
Tuesday 28 February 2012

World Bird Wednesday - Terns

These pictures are a little older than some I have posted – in fact it came as a shock to realize I had only posted one of these before.
Caspian Terns are always great to see, with their huge red beaks they are always a good find.

The Common Tern is not at all common in Australia, so finding one is a treat. In fact these were the first I have found without knowing that the birds were already there.

The Crested Terns are the default tern in my part of the world – and must be one of the more obliging birds to photograph. Although in this case I was distracted by the other birds.

These images were taken over a year ago on a day when we managed to band a good number of Bar-Tailed Godwits at Barwon Heads. You can read about that day here if you are interested.

You can find more birds at World Bird Wednesday.

You can find the most recent post to my other blog by clicking the Paying Ready Attention image on the RHS of the screen.

Enjoy the birds.


  1. I love birds , they make me feel free...
    Great photos!


  2. Nice looking bird!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  3. I love these guys too -- and not just because they like to pose for me, but that doesn't hurt!

  4. just love these cool birds! the caspians or crested are just so dapper!

  5. Love the bills on those Terns! Nice shots, Stewart!

  6. Those red beaks sure make them stand out in a crowd. :)
    Lovely shots Stewart!

  7. The Terns are one of my favorite, they are pretty birds. Great shots!

  8. I always wonder who banded and where when I see a terns with green bands on their legs on our beach in Florida.

  9. lovely to see the Caspian Tern in flight; well done Stewart! The crested tern I hadn't seen before so great photos there too.

  10. Hi Stewart, you got some wonderful images there!

  11. Great set Stewart.
    I always have trouble with gulls and terns ID's. I'm still learning. lol

  12. Great Terns Stewart. Not seen a Caspian yet myself but I live in hope.

  13. Beautiful birds, Steward! I love the first photo!

  14. Hey Stewart! It appears there's some gold to be mined in those archives of yours. Love the terns. Good birding to you this week Sir!

  15. Por aqui existem muitas gaivotas e nenhuma tem estas características.
    A touca preta e o bico vermelho.
    A natureza dá-nos coisas lindíssimas.

  16. lovely to see the selection of terns, such graceful birds aren't they?

  17. Awesome shots of the Terns! This looks like a great spot for them.

    You may remember my (rather pathetic)shots of the Crested Terns while photographing off St Kilda pier.
