
Sunday 26 August 2012

Macro Monday _ Rock Layers

I just come back from some time away - so normal service on comments and replies will start over the next few days!

I found these rock layers in a exposed cliff face on the beach at Waratah Bay to the East of Melbourne.

The amount of time that it must have taken for these rock layers to form and then be twisted by the power of the Earth is just unimaginable.  Such considerations of deep time do tend to put the damage we have done to the world in perspective - such a short time, and so much damage.

On the other hand, it does show that there are still wonders to be found!

More macro shots can be found at Macro Monday.

The latest post to my other blog can be found by clicking the Paying Ready Attention image on the RHS of the screen.

Enjoy the close ups!


  1. Amazing observation and a lovely image!

  2. Wow, the color and lines are so interesting. Such beauty too. Very nice.

  3. beautiful. almost like a geode.

  4. Stewart this is beautiful. I'm curious what caused the blue in the rock formation though, any ideas? Fantastic shot and welcome back!

  5. Beautiful! Love the blue color!

  6. Blue has always been my favorite color and finding it in nature is always a treat.
    Marvelous find Stewart!
    Yes, there are still wonders to be found if we remain open to the idea.

  7. What a terrific find! I've never seen anything like this. Awesome!!

  8. fabulous find, my favorite color!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. What an amazing capture! It really is beautiful and worth pondering the bigger issues in life.

  11. Beautiful picture! And thanks for the reminder - yes, wonders can be found anywhere, anytime.

  12. Beautiful! The patterns and the colors in that rock are amazing.

  13. What a wonderful picture.You have managed to capture the texture as well as the stunning colours of the rock.

  14. Lovely picture. And you remind us that we can all too easily destroy in a few short years what has taken millions to create.

  15. Wow! Lots of history in that one macro ~ Carol (A Creative Harbor)

  16. Beautiful layers of color!

  17. I really, really love the colours and designs in this photograph. I see by the comments here that I am not alone. There are more lovers of the colour blue than I realized.

  18. I wish there were more people like you who have an appreciation for the wonders of nature and are aware of and concerned about how man has been so distructive ... out of greed. Your picture is beautiful and full of wonder. Thank you Stewart ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  19. Wow, what colour! Looks like I will have to visit my niece in Waratah Bay and take in the Prom. at the same time.

  20. I've never seen a deep blue color in rocks before...very pretty!
