
Monday 27 August 2012

Our World Tuesday - Eastern Grey Kangaroo

There are not very many places in the world where you can claim animals like this are part of your own world.  If you fell from space and found yourself looking at a wild kangaroo you'd know where you were!

I was playing tourist  guide this week (between the rain anyway!) and generally came up with the goods.

These are Eastern Grey Kangaroos.  We found them in Wilson Promontory National park, in southern Victoria  - which is just about as good a place to find them as there is.  The guests were well impressed - and also slightly surprised at how un-phased the 'roos where as we watched them from the car.  But once the door opened off they went.

You can find some more words and pictures from an earlier trip to The Prom here - it really is a remarkable place.

You can find more images from around the world here at Our World Tuesday.

Enjoy the pictures (and if you have time, take a trip over to my wordy blog!)


  1. lovely photos of the 'roos Stewart and your visitors would've really enjoyed the experience. It was many years back when I was there last; a truly beautiful part of the world. I especially remember LOTS of wrens hopping around..

  2. Wow! Lovely pictures. Some day I would be in Australia to see these wonderful creatures!

  3. Love the 'roo pictures. You obviously are a great guide. What did you say you were doing next month?

  4. One day I'd like to see one of these in person. They are so dang cute!! Great series of different poses from them.

  5. I love the kangaroos, Stewart, and what great captures!! I, too, like the different poses and being able to see their faces! Have a great week!

  6. I'm impressed, too - amazing shots. Would love to see them, too!

  7. Lovley to see them on your photos .Nette

  8. they are so cute and so cool! :)

  9. Wonderful to see these, Stewart, and beautifully photographed too! I'm envious of you and your visitors but maybe one day I'll find a way to see your part of the world in person.

  10. Love the pictures, Stewart!
    We have them here in the Zoo... they are so special!
    Greetings from Holland,
    Anna :))

  11. Handsome furries! I wish we had kangaroos here (other than in zoos).

  12. Was sind die hübsch. Tolle Fotos.

    LG Mathilda

  13. I would be impressed if I was visiting. I love your cute kangaroos. Wonderful photos, Stewart.

  14. Oh! Fantastic ~ What a gift to get to photography nature's beautiful animals ~ Great job! ~ ~ Carol (A Creative Harbor)

  15. Wow, having 'roos looking at you that close must be a wonderful feeling. I love animals in the wild..

  16. Wow! Love those faces. Beautiful photos.

  17. If only I had a magic carpet -- or even an airplane that took less than a gazillion hours to get there -- I would just love to visit your National parks. amazing stuff.

  18. I love how they seem to be posing for you!

  19. Love the way they posed in that last shot.

  20. How sweet they are! Almost looks a bit like big rabbits! Nice photos of them too!
    Greetings Pia

  21. For sure this is Your world and not mine. :))

  22. you DID get those kangaroos. :) Gorgeous animals in their own right.

    I share a trip to a small Swedish island today if you have the time. Taking a break from Scotland. :)

  23. Really interesting post!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  24. Great photos! Someday, I'd love to go to your great country...

  25. Sehr schöne Bilder dieser für mich doch eher fremden und eigenartigen Tiere. Viele Grüße aus Deutschland
