
Sunday 5 August 2012

Macro Monday - Wall Moth.

I am not really brave enough to try to start identifying moths yet, too many species for my poor old brain!

This is going to be a brief post today - new computer, new software packages and such like have taken a bit of time.

So, here is my moth.  Those of you with an eye for colour may be able to detect that this has a certain familiarity to it!  If you have used any of the toilets that are maintained in far north Queensland you may recognise it!  I thought it was prudent to check there was on one else about when I took this!

You can find more macro shots at Macro Monday.  I sure most of them will be a far more natural setting!

You can find the latest post to my other blog by clicking the Paying Ready Attention image on the RHS of the screen.

Enjoy the close ups.


  1. Yes it's a very familiar moth for us here in north Queensland. It's one of the Looper Moths, but I'm not sure of the exact species name.

  2. I love moths, always have and you are right there are so many different types.

  3. it's a beauty! even in the public bathroom! :)

  4. I don't know anything about moths, but I've seen some cool ones in other people's shots. I've never seen one like this.

  5. I agree with Tex, it is indeed a beauty -- even in a public bathroom! Have a great week, Stewart!

  6. Very subtle markings on this one, good shot.

  7. 'Hmmmm -- even if it hangs out in funny places, it's pretty.

  8. I see you take your camera just about everywhere. :)

  9. All moths look the same to me Stewart, so maybe I need to start looking a little closer. All I know about moths is that my aunt used moth balls and when I was little I did not like visiting her with her moth ball smell...LOL!

  10. I don't know my moths, either, but I have to say I love the textures and subtle colors in the photo.

    (And to answer your question about spiderwebs--no, here they don't herald cooler weather--we still have many hot days in the forecast. I tend to see the most spiderwebs in morning after a cooler, clear night, though.)

  11. It's a beauty in any surrounding, it looks so furry and soft.

  12. There is beauty in all bits of nature even the moth that we sometimes overlook.

  13. Beautiful moth you show.
    Wishing you a good day.
    Hanne Bente

  14. The moth is a beauty!

  15. Great shot ~ I am always too busy getting them out the door to take photo ~ Yours is great! (A Creative Harbor)

  16. The moth is great! I am never any good at identifying the little critters I see. I'm amazed at people who sound like a walking encyclopedia with all the bugs.

  17. That photo is a work of art! It's interesting how it blends into the created environment. Amazing. Thanks, Stewart.
