
Monday 6 August 2012

Our World Tuesday - Signs

The fog is clearing a little with my new machine - so I'm starting to come up to speed!

On a number of occasions I thought that I need to post something about the nature of nature.  While we all love the images of chocolate box sunsets there is more to the nature of nature than just beauty.  Most of the things we look at and admire exist because of competition with other living things - and I don't think we should shy away from this.

The world is remarkable because of what it holds and the way it world, not because of how it makes us feel (although I'm very glad it makes me feel that way!). We can't admire the power of hawks without acknowledging that they eat rabbits.

So here are a couple of images to remind me that some of the power of nature rests in the fact that it can do us harm!  Thinking of this is the best way I know to remind us that we part of nature, not just separate observers.

I found these signs on my recent trip to North Queensland - it was not summer so there were no stingers, and I managed to avoid being eaten by the crocs!  Even with crocs and stingers it is a remarkable place - and all the better for having them!

You can find more pictures from around the world at Our World Tuesday.

You can find the latest post to my other blog by clicking the Paying Ready Attention image on the RHS of the screen.

Enjoy the pictures.


  1. I love sunsets - but you're right, we shouldn't underestimate the power of nature.

  2. I've never seen signs like these, although it wouldn't surprise me if they had something similar in the coastal areas here. I'm sure Florida has something like them.

  3. definitely not any i see in texas. :)

  4. We have had some unusual visitors to the water around Puget Sound this year, but none like yours!!! Hope you have a great week, Stewart!

  5. In Australia you do seem to have more than your fair share of nasties and bitetys.

  6. Good point Stewart - I guess you won't be taking pictures in your wet suit at these spots then? I posted some Dunlin for you.

  7. Crocs and stingers, both of them would keep me out of the water. I guess both critters have a place on our earth. Great post and thanks for sharing.

  8. We don't have the notice about stingers but in the past couple of years there have been notices put up about crocodiles! It made me a bit wary the first year but since then the notices have not made much impact. No crocs seen last year anyway!

  9. I like these signs, made me laugh to think people have to be warned that these creatures might be dangerous.

  10. I had no idea what Stingers were until I took a trip to Cairns.

  11. Interesting signs indeed! Glad a croc didn't get you.

  12. The other side of nature and the truth. Neat stuff. I like the artwork on these signs.

  13. Interesting post. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  14. These signs are indicative of some treacherous elements in the area.

    Cheers ... visiting from Our World Tuesday.

    Now, here's something completely different:

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. I think you're just trying to frighten me off visiting the natural wonders of Queensland!

  17. I didn't see these when I was in Queensland though the signs for crocs were more than enough ;-)

  18. Stewart this is an excellent post, thank you for the awareness. The 4 1/2 months I spent in your amazing country I never spotted signs like this, I was in the ocean numerous times and it wasn't until I was in my final week of my journey someone mentioned an incident of a girl being killed by a shark some years ago. If I would have known that I never would have had half the fun I did. Sometimes ignorance can be bliss, yet nature is a force not to be reckoned with.

    And sunsets really are beautiful, especially over the ocean! :-)


  19. I understand what you're saying. I live part of the year in hurricane country -- and not only that but I posted a picture of an alligator eating a turtle .. well aware that nature isn't always all ... roses!
