
Thursday 27 September 2012

SkyWatch Friday - When central Australia came to visit

I was sorting through some old images last night when I came upon these.

They are from January 2008 - thats pre-blogging for me!

We were still in the grip of drought and the middle of Australia was bone dry.  A weather system parked itself off the coast and started to suck air down towards the south.  This created a wind that picked up the red/brown dust of central Australia and brought it south.

The rain that fell from the sky left blood red patches on my white car and the clouds turned a pale orange brown.  If ever I was going to be frightened by the sight of the sky it would have been on that day.  It looked light nothing I had ever seen, and I've not seen anything like it since.

The light was red and orange and even green at times - it was unearthly.

I dont mind if I have to wait a few more years to see another sky that looks like this!

You can find other skies - and probably cheerier ones! - at SkyWatch Friday.

You can find the latest post to my other blog by clicking on the Paying Ready Attention image on the RHS of the page.

Enjoy the skies.


  1. Wow! Those are SCARY looking skies!! Never seen anything like that and hope I never do! Awesome captures, Stewart!

  2. it looks fascinating (from here) but i'm sure it was awful to live through all that dust and drought.

  3. I saw skys like that when I was young (a long time ago). There was a drought in the southwest and the winds had picked up the red dust and sent it hundreds of miles to where I lived. You could see it coming for days. Unfortunately, I didn't take pictures, but I do remember how eerie it was. Great shots ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  4. Bet that was eerie! Love your shots, though. Spooky and beautiful at the same time.

  5. Very eerie!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  6. That is definitely eerie! I suppose if you live where the dirt is red you wouldn't feel that way, but I sure would. Bizarre skies and very interesting.

  7. Scary but fascinating at the same time.

  8. Stewart, it does look a little eerie. Definitely not something I would want to happen often. I remember seeing some photos on the news and blogs. It does look strange. Great captures for your skywatch! Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. That is very much a different kind of sky. Pretty impressive and scary looking!

  10. Sounds totally scary! The clouds are impressive, and that tree is striking, but I think I am happy I did not see it in person!!

  11. that sounds scary! the first photo gives me goosebumps---i've seen those dark clouds before. the 2nd photo is eerily beautiful.

  12. Very bizarre looking sky. Great that you photographed it.

  13. How scary. Your shots are very atmospheric.

  14. Those are some incredible shots. Amazing what mother nature can do. Awe-inspiring.

  15. Wow, that is a crazy, scary looking sky, thanks for sharing it.

  16. Beautiful skies!

    Happy weekend.


  17. Amazing skies - never seen anything like those here!
