
Monday 22 October 2012

Our World Tuesday - The Lizard of Oz

One of the (many) remarkable things about the wildlife of Australia is the number of different species of lizards and other reptiles we have.  At present the count stands at 840 species.  Its frequently said that a typical back garden in Sydney, Melbourne or Perth is likely to hold more species of lizard that the whole of the UK!  I don't know if thats completely true, but I've seen at least 3 types of small lizard in my own garden.

This picture is not of a small lizard!   This is a Shingleback - sometimes called a Sleepy Lizard or a Stump Tailed Lizard.

As you can see this nice specimen was very relaxed and allowed me to get very near him (her?) with a wide angle lens.  I found this lizard on the path to Mt. Zero in the grampians.  There were a number of other smaller lizards out in the spring sunshine - but they were faster on their feet that this one.

The lizards may not get as much press as the kangaroos and such like, but they are just as Australian.

You can find more shots from around the world at Our World Tuesday.

Enjoy the pictures.


  1. fabulous shot of the shingleback and I love the vista; would love to be visiting the Grampians

  2. Great sighting of the lizard, he look like he is trying to hide. Thanks for sharing, have a great day!

  3. I don't know if I would do much hiking if those were around so much. Not something we see here in Maryland, US.

  4. Nice shots! It's an impressive looking lizard!

  5. Great shots for the day, Stewart! Looks like a beautiful place! Have a good week!!

  6. I think he's adorable! Good shots of him. His face reminds me of a cross between a turtle and a snake. Interesting! A reptilian thing I guess.

  7. I love lizards! Some great shots of one, with a marveloous view in that top photo.

  8. That second shot is great!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  9. Handsome fella and great shots!

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  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Very handsome lizard!
    I'm very fond of the creatures, and as far as I know, we don't have any true lizards here in the northern U.S. where we call home. Just the treat of an occasional salamander.
    Always fun to visit areas with plentiful populations of them. I get very excited! Although, I was a little nervous at the possibility of running into a Gila Monster when exploring in Nevada a couple of years ago.. but I'd have loved to get a photo of one!

  13. As always delight post and photos of nature's gems ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  14. Great pictures, second one is my favorite.

  15. Wonderful shots. And your title made me laugh!

  16. I LOVE the title of your post! And I like lizards (we see them all over in Florida).

  17. Very good shots! Lovely to see!
    Have a nice day!

  18. Hi Stewart,
    What a great photo's... love it!
    Have a nice week and warm greetings, Anna ❀

  19. I do like your "playing with words"!

    Yes, I saw a lot of black swans when I was in Australia. I think I have a post called "Black Swan".

  20. We too have a lot of stumpies but this year I have large Blue-tongues and some half sized ones as well. considering it is snake season, I am glad we have so many large lizards that use the snake holes to nest.

    I really miss the Gampians. Travelling will be out for a while yet.

  21. A new thing learned today, lizard is also Australian. Thank you and lovely photo's

  22. Wonderful shots of the wizard :0)
