
Tuesday 23 October 2012

Wild Bird Wednesday 15 - Whistling Kite.

This is another addition to my small collection of images if birds of prey.  This Whistling Kite was hunting over the open paddocks - thats "fields' to some people! - near Point Lonsdale on the Bellarine Peninsula near Point Lonsdale.  Its been a regular holiday destination for us over the last few years, but following the death of Sal's mum we now have less reason to go.  Pictures like this remind me that we need to find a reason.

This bird is probably a juvenile and it was happily giving its classic sliding down the scale whistle.  I watched the bird for at least 20 minutes as it quartered the paddocks around me.  I suppose I was hoping that it would catch something - but it did not even seem to find a small possible meal!

Now its your turn to be involved in the 15th week of Wild Bird Wednesday.

Click the link below, follow the instructions and thats it - you're in!  Dont forget to include a link to WBW on your post and visit as many of the links as possible.  SM


  1. Great shots. I have never seen a kite of any type.

  2. Great in-flight photos. I have never yet managed any like these although I have seen Kites perching in trees quite often.

  3. Wonderful shots of the kite. Sorry, I have not seen any birds lately to contribute. Believe me, I want to! My husband heard an owl the other night in the woods behind our house, so I lugged all my camera gear to the spot we thought he'd be and nothing. Next time my hubby goes out, he hears it again. So frustrating.

  4. I'm so jealous of such clear shots of a bird on the wing - mine are always blurred! That's why I've gone with an inanimate wild bird today!!!!

  5. beautiful to watch; great photos Stewart

  6. Great photos of this kite! Never heard of this one, but we got Red kites where I live!

    Thanks for the info about the clock in Australia, now i know you are nine hours before us in Sweden!

  7. Great shots Stewart what a lovely bird to see... I can't believe Wild Bird Wednesday has been going for 15 weeks. Where does the time go?

  8. Great flight shots ..... birds in flight always make me think of freedom .... it must be such a free-ing experience to soar like that :)

  9. You did a super job of catching the kite in flight!

  10. Must have been great to study this one "live" ! Great shots :-)

  11. Wow, those are great pictures!

  12. Cool bird and nice pictures! I saw a lot of white-tailed kites last week, would like to see this guy some day!

  13. i would be thrilled to see and hear this beauty!!

  14. Oh, terrific flight shots Stewart! I rarely get any in flight captures, by the time I click the shutter, the bird is gone and all I get is sky.

  15. I recently saw a slide show on how the airplane is patterned after the bird wings depending on what is needed. This Kite is built for speed and would pass for a fighter plane if an engineer had his way ... I love the Birds of Prey. They are so powerful and good at fulfilling their role in nature. We don't have Kites in our area, so this is a treat. Thanks Stewart ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  16. Great captures of birds in flight!
    Thank you for hosting this wonderful meme. :)

  17. Nice shots Stewart, they certainly are worth while watching. A pity it went hungry.

  18. Beautiful in flight images Stewart!!!

  19. Great shots!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  20. Stewart, cool capture of the kite. I did not realize how many different species of Kites are in the world. Great captures, thanks for hosting. Have a great day!

  21. Cool photos! I have not seen this bird before.

  22. Beautiful flight shots! I've never seen a kite of any kind in the wild.

  23. Love the kites Stuart! We used to drive through a certain lovely part of Oregon/Washington State all the time to visit our parents; then (when they were gone) we stopped doing that drive ... were just talking the other day about how we should do that drive again now that so much time has passed. (Don't wait that long to go back to see those kites.)

  24. Beautiful shots - I love seeing photos of birds (and other animals) that we don't have in our part of the world, but are relatively common for other folks. Thanks for sharing!

  25. Beautiful images and I bet the sound they make is wonderful. Yes, make very opportunity to visit these places a possibility. Happy week Stewart and thank you again for hosting this meme~

  26. Kites are small, quick, and hard to photograph, especially with average camera equipment. I have seen a few, just recently, on a light post outside my house! Great captures, thanks for sharing

  27. Awesome!
    I did my post yesterday and then forgot to sign in today! *smacking forehead*

  28. I know there are lots of kites Stewart but after reading your decription I just had to hear the whistle and I found one on

    Very kite like inded.

  29. These are great shots of the kite, Stewart!

  30. What a wonderful site! Just found it and now it's going to take months to go through all your posts! I'm anxious to learn about your local birds. - Wally

  31. Oh, beautiful shots of the kite :0) Impressing catching them in their invironment :0) Have a nice weekend :0)

  32. Beautiful shots of the Whistling Kite Stewart! I would love to see one someday! Thanks for hosting Wild Bird Wednesday!

  33. Very graceful flight shots of the kite!

  34. never heard of that kite before. How nice to see it.
