
Friday 26 October 2012

SkyWatch Friday - Melbourne

Melbourne is famous for having changeable weather - it's the old "if you don't like it just wait twenty minutes" sort of place.

I've also been thinking about how we (or at least me) always look for perfection in nature - the perfect sky, bird, butterfly or flower - and tend to overlook the beauty that can be found in the ordinary or the everyday.

So, I combined these two ideas and gave my self five minutes to get some pictures of a changeable, but otherwise seeming ordinary sky.

This is what I came up with:

I mat not have been able to do this if there had been no clouds - and true to form it rained within 10 minutes of me getting inside.  Ah, Melbourne!

You can find more skies at SkyWatch Friday.

You can find the newest post to my other blog here, or by clicking the Paying Ready Attention image on the RHS of the screen.

Enjoy the pictures.


  1. Great captures Stewart! I really like the deep blue of the sky.

  2. Dramatic clouds makes this a perfect sky post!
    Well done!

  3. That's a fast change. & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  4. at least the clouds meant business. :)

  5. Great post!Amazing how quickly things can change.

  6. Terrific captures, Stewart! Dramatic clouds and change!! Have a great weekend!

  7. Dallas, Texas has the same saying, although I think they say 5 minutes instead of 20. :) Your sky shots are fabulous!

  8. Haha, in Holland they say to keep your coat on, because it may rain in 10 minutes:) Great sky pics, Stewart!

  9. Sounds like British weather!

    Love these shots - they show the changing face of nature. I have to disagree with you though - I often think that beauty lies in the small imperfections and flaws.

  10. Beautiful skies, Stewart. Have a good weekend.

  11. Ah! It would seem that ladyfi has found a flaw in my post - in fact what she has do is made me realise that I had not included a sentence I meant to!

    I have edited the post to make it say what I wanted it to!


  12. Beautiful cloud formations, Stewart!

  13. Lovely captures, Stewart. I have to agree with Lady Fi! The weather in Maryland is much the same, changing on a dime. Have a great weekend!

  14. Beautiful sequence of sky shots.

  15. I like seeing the beauty in the ordinary!
    Have a wonderful day!
    Lea's Menagerie

  16. Beautiful Skywatch pictures :0) Lovely clouds :0)
    (Thank you for your comment in my blog a while ago, have been away....)

  17. If these are Melbourne skies, they could be Brussels skies too, lol ! Proves again that we are all living under the same sky !

  18. Love your photography, you are very talented!
    Léia - Bonjour Luxembourg

  19. These sure are dramatic, Stewart. Thanks!

  20. That's the same thing they say about Oregon -- and my skies prove it just like yours do! A profitable 10 minutes photo-wise and if you got indoors before it rained you did great!
