
Monday 18 February 2013

Our World Tuesday - Rock Towers

I have to say it's hot here in Melbourne!  As a result I will post a quick picture and retire to cooler locations than my study!

When we were in Tasmania, we went out on a boat trip around Bruny Island.  The souther end of the island has some of the tallest sea cliffs in the southern hemisphere (or so we were told!).

At one point there is a tall rock pillar called The Monument which sits a little off shore from the south end of South Bruny.  The boat can pass at high speed between the rock pillar and the shore - its all rather frantic!  The kids loved it.

At the time - and even more so now when I have looked at them for a long time - I think they could be the inspiration for the Argonath, the huge statues that mark the Norther Border of Gondor in Lord of the Rings.   (If you know the scenes in the book or film the Fellowship paddles under them just before the death of Boromir).  I know this is not really the case - but you may see what I mean!

You can find more images from around the world at Our World Tuesday - and probably less reference to Middle Earth!

Enjoy the pictures.


  1. The cliffs and towers are cool. Yes, I remember the scenes in the Lord of the Rings. Was it a small boat going between the pillar and shore? There does not look like a lot of room? Great shots, thanks for sharing!

  2. Those cliffs are quite impressive. Beautiful!

  3. Fantastic!
    You are brave to thread the needle...blogging your photo forward. 10 degrees f in VT. Have a cooler week! mary

  4. What happens when the tide is out? Is the sand visible or is it too deep there? I agree that they are reminiscent of Lord of the Rings topography.

  5. I can see how exciting that would be to go through there in a boat. No wonder the kids loved it. Bet you wish you were there now out of the heat.

  6. Awesome cliffs and what a beautiful place, Stewart! Terrific captures as always! Have a great week!

  7. Having not seen the movie I can only relate these to some of the areas in our Southwest. Here rock climbers would be attempting to climb them.

  8. Oh, that is amazingly beautiful! I do see what you mean about Lord of the Rings! By the way, I am reading The Hobbit to our grandson. You are always so kind with your comments to me on my blog...I promise I will try to get those Albatross pictures set up to post when I can find them!

  9. Wow! That rectangular pillar is majestic! Yes, larger pictures are real improvement. The readers actually enjoy the details of the scene! Lovely post!

  10. Hi Stewart!It's very hot in Melbourne!I know!!Those clifts are very impressive!Fantastic shots!Hope you have a lovely week!

  11. Amazing! I bet the kids did love that little adventure.

    Wasn't the Ring Trilogy filmed around there somewhere?

  12. Wow ~ amazing place and photography for OWT ^_^

  13. Oh, but it does so look like Middle earth!

  14. Wow! What an amazing thing to see! Very nice photos...

  15. Wow - amazing shots. They look like a queen wearing her crown and a child next to her.

  16. great images! somehow we missed Bruny Island on our trip to Tasmania.
    Have a wonderful week and stay cool. It has been hot here too, though a tad cooler these last few days.
    I am linking up to you through Our World Tuesday.

  17. This is neat stuff! Very unique monuments. I'll send you some snow in trade for some heat. :)

  18. Amazing tower of rock and jagged cliff! The shapes are certainly artistic and look legendary!

    Also, the wider blog space you have now certainly displays your photos beautifully!

  19. it is not towers. It is a queen. With head, crown and everything. :) Gorgeous :)

    My world. :

  20. They look beautiful. Must be such a spectacle especially on a foggy day!!
    Have a nice day Stewart :)

  21. Stunning!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  22. Marvelous images!! Would love to visit!
