
Sunday 7 April 2013

Macro Monday - Detail

When I was at the beach last week, I could not help but notice the way that "man-made" objects interact with the salt and the spray from the sea.

Never buy a car from the seaside my father told me - although his ability to avoid inland rust buckets puts the clarity of his judgement in question!

I took both of these pictures as I walked back to our "house" - and I was thinking about the relationship between the made and the natural and how one fades into another.  There are times when I wish I could think about football or other less confusing topics!

You can find more Macro Shots from around the world Macro Monday.

Enjoy the close ups!


  1. Love the contrast of the rusted object and the weathered wood. Never heard the saying about buying cars by the sea, but so makes sense!

  2. The relation between the made and the natural...I've never thought of it that way before.

  3. rust buckets from the seashore. :)

  4. You make rust beautiful. When we stayed on the Texas Gulf Coast, we met a couple of people who drove 'beach cars'...buckets of rust that they used only for back and forth to the beach and along it.

  5. Great macro shots Stewart!Beautiful!Hope you have a wonderful week!

  6. I like rust, but not on my car!

  7. Great macro shots!Have a great day !


  8. Love the rust picture in particular - your macro's are always inspiring.

  9. Love that weathered look, but NOT on the car. Still smiling at the football comment.

  10. Love the rusty bolt Stewart!
    Here with so much snow in winter and salt on the roads it's necessary to wash the underside of your car often to keep the rust away.

  11. Lovely pictures! The second one reminds me of the thatched roofs on the houses near the North Sea!

  12. Love it! Golden rust - perfect combination.

  13. Love the different textures in these shots.

  14. I enjoy a photo that takes you away for a moment, and lost into the realm of texture. Nice details, here!

    When we were on Grand Isle, Louisiana, we noticed a LOT of rust..
    My uncle had just bought a new bicycle that was 4 or 5 months old, and it was already -as you call- a rust bucket!!

    Here in Minnesota, we get that to a lesser degree from the salt they put on the roads to help melt ice in the winter so we don't all go sliding into the ditches. It's nice to stay out of the ditches.. but the salt is terrible on vehicles. Other states that don't use salt, but just sand, have such shiny, happy vehicles!

  15. Beautiful captures! I'm glad your mind notices these things and you share the resulting photography with us.
