
Monday 8 April 2013

Our World Tuesday - Australasian Fur Seals

I was out and about on Port Phillip Bay this week - if I lived much nearer to the sea a boat of some kind would be on my wish list.  Although I recall boats be called "A hole surrounded by water, into which one pours money!" - so maybe not.

I went out on an organised tour to visit one of the old sea forts that were build and later abandoned by the military - but more about that on another day.

On the way to the fort we stopped by the  Australasian Fur Seal colony that hauls out on a structure called Chinaman's Hat.  I've posted about this place before.

What was unusual about today was some of the seal behaviour we saw.  Many of the seals were floating on the surface of the water with there front flippers held up in the air.

Apparently, the dark colour of the flippers and the closeness of the blood flow to the surface of skin allows the seals to use their flippers as solar panels and get some free warmth.  It seems like a good adaptation.

For once the place was not stomach churningly smelly!

You can find more shots from around the world at Our World Tuesday.

Enjoy the pictures.


  1. how beautiful to observe and your finale photograph is grandious Stewart

  2. Well, I guess the seals are smarter than some people. Warm is always a good thing and I don't blame them for seeking heat in such a clever way. Good shots ... and I am curious, no smell? Do you know why it was different on this day than other days?

    Andrea @ From THe Soul

  3. Some very neat shots Stewart, I find them so graceful to look at. I learned something new about them, thanks. I agree with the hole surrounded by water :) Have a great week.

  4. Like the boat definition - I must forward it to my brother!

  5. Seals look so smug.
    Are you sure they were not holding their hands up to be rescued?

  6. I do love the seals!! Great shots and particularly the last one! Hope you have a good week, Stewart!

  7. Hi Stewart ...That is so interesting to see and read about!!
    I love the "pig-pile" of them on the rocks : )))
    Nice shots!!

  8. Beautiful photos. They re such fun creatures. Have a good week Diane

  9. What a gorgeous sight -if slightly smelly. Lovely shots.

  10. How wonderful! Great photos, Stewart!

  11. Hallo Stewart!Great shots!!Lucky you!!Seals are very beautiful creatures!Hope you have a lovely day!

  12. Some of those places around the water have their own special "aroma." Fun to see the fur seals. I've heard similar tales about boats, but yours is the most creative.

  13. Interesting seal behavior. Those ones in the last photo certainly look to be in good condition.

  14. Wonderful photos of the seals doing their "thing"! And yes! They do have a special aroma and I'm not sure why!

  15. How wonderful to be able to photograph and observe these sweet ones. So glad it wasn't smelly. I need to send that boat quote to my uncle. He has a houseboat and just bought a camp that came with two small boats. Ha!

  16. How wonderful! Beautiful seals!
    Have a great day!
    Lea's Menagerie

  17. Sea wings, the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the top two photos!

  18. Very cool shots! This would be awesome to see!

  19. Brilliant creatures and photos too!

  20. Oh! Love that last picture where seals are looking at heaven!

  21. flippers as solar panels--that is amazing.:p they're beautiful creatures.

  22. These images are enchanted! I love seals...we don´t have many now...

  23. What great photos of the seals. I have seen pictures of them before with their flippers in the air but I didn't know why they did that so thanks for the info.

  24. Beautiful pics but third pic is awesome...

  25. Fantastic pictures and I didn't know that about the seals. very clever. I love these animals.

  26. Love your boat story - but the pictures of the seals are great...I saw the little seals in the North Sea doing it, but had no idea why! Thanks.

  27. lovely creatures

  28. I love seals and the pictures are great...the first time I ever saw (at a distance) Oregon seals with their flippers up in that position I thought for a minute that I'd discovered a new species of bird!

    The saying about a boat is sadly true. But often worth it.

  29. They are so cool to see, and their skin is so silky looking!
