
Monday 29 April 2013

Our World Tuesday - Federation Square

As I mentioned last Friday I spent some time in Federation Square in Melbourne last week.  This place seems to be a love or hate sort of place.  The external architecture is hardly conventional - and when it was first build it was very modern.  I have to say that I always liked it, and it was a huge improvement on the ugly concrete monolith that it replaced.

These days the square seems to be popular with coffee drinkers, meal seekers and photographers.  When I went there a huge built in "TV" screen was showing a football match, and supporters from both sides were sitting around on deck chair cheering their sides on.

When described like this it's strange to think that this was  ANZAC day.

One of the first pictures I took was of the advertising hoarding for an exhibition of Hollywood costumes.  I wonder if the choice of such as a classically elegant image for the advertisement was driven by the nature of the surroundings? i.e. "you do modern and we will do classic".

As is "my way" most of my other pictures were more minimalist - or as H said "random pictures of nothing!" -  he's so supportive!

You can find more images from around the world at Our World Tuesday.


  1. Great abstract images - sorry random photos of nothing lol !!

  2. An interesting looking building and great captures for the day, Stewart! Hope you have a good week!!

  3. Beautiful photos of this abstract buildings.
    Best regards, Irma

  4. Wonderful architecture! All the colors and shapes make for some interesting photos. A nice departure from your usual. :)

  5. I happen to think that random pictures of nothing often make the best pictures anyway :-)

  6. It does look like a neat building, it is also great to have a nice place to hang and drink your coffee! Great shots, have a happy week!

  7. A lot of very neat abstract angles of a neat building. Like your outlook Stewart. Happy week :)

  8. I liked the vibes in Federation Square. A meeting place for all of Melbourne and its visitors. Love your pictures of nothing.

  9. An interesting building and great captures Stewart!Beautiful photos!Have a lovely day!

  10. Your abstract shots are just wonderful!

  11. Very interesting patterns!
    Have a wonderful day!
    Lea's Menagerie

  12. Interesting contrast,but Hepburn has a more lasting appeal. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  13. I guess I'm old fashioned but Audrey Hepburn makes a great foreground for all that broken glass. It looks to me like the designer based all that glass on ice crystals.
    It is rather addictive when you look at it for a while. At least look at your photos.

  14. Random pictures of nothing? lol! Well, I love them! And I'm also quite partial to Audrey. The architecture is interesting, and different from the norm around here.. for sure ;) -Tammy

  15. So, random pictures of beautiful nothings ... I like your pictures and I am guessing, so does H. I recognize that elegant lady in the first picture. She was a favorite of my as I was growing up. The other pictures are awesome and very interesting in their own way ... I am so sure that Australia is a place I want to visit. It is on my bucket list, but I fear I would have to do a lot of panhandling to afford it. Fingers crossed ... maybe some day. And, If I do, I will be sure to look you up:)

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  16. I like your random pictures of nothing Stewart! You have a photographer's eye.

  17. Your son will learn to appreciate random pictures of nothing eventually; it's an acquired taste like, say, black coffee. You don't want him to learn all the good stuff at too young an age!

    Great pictures...I would love to sit sipping that coffee while admiring the 'nothingness."

  18. I like the shapes and angles of the glass. Great architecture, in my "humble" opinion. :)

  19. Aha. Stewart. I see we visit the same places.

  20. If it's the same Hollywood costumes as they had at the V&A in London last year it's worth a visit - provided of course you have an interest in movies and design.

  21. enjoyed your photos Stewart. I've not been there but interesting to view the futuristic construction
