
Wednesday 1 May 2013

Wild Bird Wednesday 42 - More Perth Birds.

As was pointed out to me I did get "value for money' out of my Perth trip!  One of the things I like about a few days of travel on my own is the freedom you get to indulge your own private forms of madness - in my case photography!

So, for no other reason than I like them here are some (more) of the birds I saw in Perth.

White-Cheeked Honeyeater.
The White-cheeked Honeyeater  is not a bird I see regualtly - although it occurs down most of the east coast of Australia, it is absent from Victoria.  So, Phylidonyris nigra was a good bird to see.  The red glow in the background is a very out of focus brick wall!
Rainbow Lorikeet 
Although the Rainbow Lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus) is native to Australia, its not native to Western Australia.  It has become established in Perth from aviary escapes and is now very common.  In fact it's a bit of a problem as it competes was the regional parrots for nest holes, which are always at a premium, especially in habitats that lack mature trees.
Willie Wagtail
The Willie Wagtail (Rhipidura leucophrys) occurs all over Australia except Tasmania.  Its a boisterous, noisy and brave little bird.  It will attack dogs, cats, magpies and crows if the fancy takes it - and with its flared eyebrows and swishing tails they have often had stern words with me as well!

Nankeen Night Heron
I round off with a Nankeen Night Heron (Nyctocorax caledonicus).  As you can see this bird - and another that joined it later  - was sitting in in the top of a rather flimsy tree.  It was  little more windy than the picture would suggest, so I'm pleased with this image.  This is a widespread Australian bird - but I never get feed up of watching herons.

Now its your turn to become involved.  So, click the link below to join in.  And don't forget to visit the other blog, comment on the pictures and invite new WBWers to get involved.


  1. I love those Rainbow Lorikeets! I've seen photos of them before. The heron, too! One of my favorite birds.

  2. so odd that blogger/google allowed this to post ahead of time - even if dated may 1st.

    i like that night heron! just a little different than those we see in the states.

  3. Beautiful pictures Stewart, the rainbow lorikeet is here only in the zoo.
    Regards, Irma

  4. Such exotic birds! I'm a little green at the moment. :) the lorikeets are beyond beautiful and the heron looks like it is wearing a wig. Beautiful bird photography.

  5. Love these birds I probably will never ever see in real life. We have some parakeets around here that are non-native, like those lorikeets...they're still fun to look at, but same problems. The night heron is a bit like the two kinds of night heron we see. It always amazes me how they can perch on those stalks that don't seem like they could support a butterfly, let alone the bird!.

  6. umm, did I miss something? May 1? Your post has jumped the queue Stewart? I love the heron especially;; you have some wonderful photographs this post again.

  7. The Rainbow Lorikeets are so colorful, it would be so neat so see them!

  8. Beautiful birds. I just love that first one.

  9. Great image series you show with some beautiful birds :)

  10. Another super selection Stewart. The Wagtail is obviously far more feisty than our timid version.

  11. Excellent! What a handsome Heron!

  12. It's good to see that you used your free time well!

  13. These are all such great colorful captures! I really like that first one.

  14. Amazing photos - and I love the rainbow lorikeets and the fantastic heron!
    Greetings Pia

  15. You get to see some wonderful birds Stewart.... beautiful images of them.

  16. I love Willie Wagtail ... he is not the prettiest of your birds, but you captured his cocky personality ... what fun he must be unless he is being pesky. The others are all wonderful, colorful and once again different than anything we have here. You
    so many varieties of birds, I am simply amazed. I really do need to travel in your direction. Just out of curiosity, what time is it in Australia when you post your WBW ... I know I could go look at the map and see, but I am only slightly curious ... and too lazy to dig out my Atlas. Wonderful post again, Stewart. Looking forward to next week already.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  17. Love, love, LOVE the rainbow lorikeets!!

  18. Very fine series and love those Lorikeets. We have them at our Zoo which is so not the same thing as what you get to view, but at least we are able to enjoy them, and feed them nectar in a cup~

  19. Your photos are marvelous Stewart, a wonderful variety of birds. I can't imagine walking around and seeing these beauties in the outdoors. I have only seen a few of them in aviaries when visiting zoos.

  20. Unfortunately we don't get the white-cheeked honeyeater or nankeen night herons. Even for rainbow lorikeets I have to drive to Mt.Lofty. Great shot of the willie-wagtail, they don't hold still for long. We have them here in great profusion, they like grazing along the sheep stirring up tiny insects for them. A bit like companion planting.

    Odd that Theresa could log in at 12.08 am, I tried till after 1 am but the meme did not come up, it still has not in the blog follower's list. Inscrutable are the ways of blogger . . .

  21. An interesting series of birds. The only one I still have to get good photos of is the Heron. Great photos.

  22. Stewart, each bird is wonderful. I would like to see them all in the wild myself. The Wagtail is a cutie! My favorites are the Lorikeets and the Heron. Thanks for hosting, have a happy week!

  23. Home really late tonight as we have been birding at Frodsham Marsh, then fish and chips for tea. Really like the look of that Heron. From Findlay

  24. Fantastic birds!!!! The Lorikeets steal the show!

  25. Breathtaking, as always! I do have to say that the Willie Wagtail steals the show with his name :) All so beautiful.. thank you for sharing the bird-splendor in your neck of the woods.

  26. Oh my, what a wonderful post Stewart. The colors on those Lorikeets are awesome. I want some!! Thanks so much for sharing.

  27. Very cool images! Thanks for sharing!

  28. those bird pictures are so sharp to the details! hadn't seen few of them at all!

  29. Very beautiful birds! I love seeing parrots in the wild. Would love to see them for real sometime. I wish you a great day!

  30. Such beautiful birds, great photos!

  31. Oh those Lorikeets are just so colorful! Another great variety of birds you have. LOVE that Heron too!

  32. I have to start over. It's the Lorikeets that knocked my socks off.

  33. Beautiful birds! I love the lorikeets, the colours are amazing.

  34. What an awesome selection of birds, Stewart!! I have never seen a Nankeen Night Heron up close... they are rather elusive up here in QLD!!!

  35. Beautiful birds, Stewart. I love the feisty little Willie Wagtail.

  36. "willie wagtail"-such a delightful name for a little hall monitor! Keep on mining Perth, Stewart. Love seeing all these varieties.

  37. Great photos Stewart! Too bad the Lorikeets are taking native species nesting spots. We have the same problem over here with European Starlings and House Sparrows. They certainly are gorgeous birds though. My favorite is the Nankeen Night-Heron. Very cool!

  38. Beautiful pictures Stewart!Love those Rainbow Lorikeet !!Have a lovely weekend!

  39. Looks like you had a great trip, Stewart!
    Wonderful images. The Wagtail does look as if it could get feisty!

    Hope your weekend is going well with all the new house renovation to enjoy!
