
Thursday 2 May 2013

Sky Watch Friday - Archive Sky

The week long presence of painters and carpet layers has reduced my house to chaos and my brain to mush - although we do stain free wall and crisp new carpet!

As a result I have been (very) slow in replying to comments and lacking in inspiration for new images.  So here is the result of some archive mining.  In February 2006 I spent two week in a school in Ohio, doing some teaching, presenting at some science conference and generally having a good time.

This is one of my favourite images from the that trip - although at that time I had only just moved from film to digital!  It seems remarkable that it was only seven years ago, and digital cameras were still pretty new and DSLRs had not become really commonplace.

If you see this post Rich - can you tell me where this place is!!

(edit - this picture is from Century Village in Burton, Ohio - thanks Rich!)

You can find more skies, many of which will be more accurately placed on the globe than this one, at Sky Watch Friday.

Enjoy the pictures.

And if you have the time and inclination you may enjoy the new post on my other blog.  Its about the wait for autumn.


  1. and I thought you had gone to the mountains to escape the havock at home. I hear there has been snow on Mt.Hotham. I miss snow, we have had none here for 15 years.

  2. Beautiful pictures of this landscape.
    Best regards, Irma

  3. What a great, wintery capture for the day, Stewart!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  4. A gorgeous landscape! Hard to believe this was from '06. I do hope the renovations are winding down. It can leave you feeling very chaotic for sure.

  5. We've been living with remodeling for a while here, so I understand the state of your brain and blogging abilities. (At my age however it's probably a good to have something to blame a foggy brain on.)

    I hope you find out where in Ohio that pretty scene was. It is hard to remember sometimes back to pre-digital.

  6. a nice midwestern winter scene! :)

  7. Oh, we remodelled a couple of years ago...chaos! That's a lovely peaceful scene to calm your mind Stewart!

  8. Pretty Ohio scene, it is nice to look back at your photos. Happy Skywatching!

  9. This is so Ohio in winter, Stewart. Neighboring state to Kentucky where I live. Looks like the setting for some Scandinavian crime fiction. :-)

  10. That sky looks so full of snow.

  11. Magnificent shot for Sky Watch ~ Hope your home is more peaceful soon ~ Enjoy ^_^

  12. Nice snowy shot Stewart, renovating can be a nightmare, we went through that and more just over a year ago. Not inspiring.

  13. it's beautiful and melancholic. reminds me of Christmas morning--i don't know why.:p
    i like looking at this snowy scene especially because we're at 35 degrees C right now.:(

  14. That is so gorgeous!

    (It's me Lady Fi. Wordpress is playing up.

  15. Looks like a Christmas card....very nice photograph. I have a wonderful feeling just looking at this image.
    JM Illinois

  16. That's a beautiful photo... oh, and congrats on your new paint and carpeting!

  17. Great design -,. 2, 3 houses and to make it interesting the farthest in red -great job! Hope you chaos settles soon into normalcy:)

  18. This type of scenes is one of the lovely landscaped in winter. Though i haven't experienced it, i always love to stare on them.

  19. Lovely photo, great xmas card! x

  20. I love digital photography. Its so easy to look back at older photos. Interesting photo memory from your trip.
    Have a great week-end!
    Lea's Menagerie

  21. A gorgeous landscape Stewart!!Great picture!!Thank you for sharing!

  22. So you were in Ohio in 06? That's where I'm originally from. Small world!

  23. Altho, the scene is pretty, I'd much rather be in the sub-tropical zone where there is NO snow! I'm a wuss.

  24. Oh, home improving.. I hear you!
    Nice when it's done. But things have to get worse before they get better!

    I've just crossed through a bit of Ohio countryside once when traveling, my sister & brother in law have several times explored the Hocking Hills park there, very beautiful.

  25. What a beautiful image. I loved it. And speaking of non digital images, I have a contest running on my blog where you can submit your non digital images :) Do check out when you are free.
    Have a lovely day Stewart.
