
Sunday 5 May 2013

Macro Monday - Doors and Boards

The ship of normality has been sighted on the horizon, but it has not yet docked at the place I call home.  Where did all these books come from and where am I going to put them??

Back to the archives!

A while back we visited Castlemaine, an old gold town.  I mentioned that it was a town of rather faded glory, with a wealthy past.  But it is also clear that there is a community here that is active and alive.

I think these images show something of both sides of the town.

You can find more macro shots at Macro Monday.

Enjoy the pictures!


  1. A notice board can provide an insight into the community. From the accommodation required to the sale of the goats. Did you resist buying the good milker Stewart?

  2. Hello Stewart,
    Beautiful pictures, lots of notes on this board.
    A great Sunday,
    Best wishes, Irma

  3. In the 1950, although the gold was no longer forthcoming, the town was still most 'establishment' and rode on the seep's back with wealthy graziers all around. It is one of the quirks of having outlive the allotted three score and ten years. One has to come to terms with so many changes, disappearing railway lines, towns growing out of their boots and merging with their neighbours or simply fading from existence.
    What the exalted du Barrys have come to . . .

  4. The note board is a great idea! We have them in our local supermarket. Lots of local selling things or offering services. Also, lost and found notices which can be helpful. Great photos and post! Have a happy week ahead, Stewart!

  5. i like the old weathered boards.

  6. Love the notice board -tried to read some notes ! A wonderful impression of a small community.

  7. The first image is so cool with the name on the door. I hope you get your book situation sorted out. I donated many of mine after going electronic; only keeping my most special ones. :)

  8. You don't see a lot of those wide boards anymore. They are impressive. Wish the floors in this old farmhouse hd them. Like the bulletin board too. Looks so familiar. Notice a reflection in that first shot. A messy but interesting place. genie

  9. I like the picture of the old boards!
    Great post.

  10. Love the wood texture Stewart!

  11. Love the second shot. Nothing like the texture of weathered wood. You can never have too many books. :-)

  12. I love the old hand written card and the texture of the wood.

  13. Nice! It's a good thing that the town is still there and alive.

  14. Hallo Stewart!Beautiful pictures!I realy like that note board!
    Have a lovely day!

  15. It was probably interesting to peruse that notice board. I love the shot of the weathered wood.

  16. So you're at that happy place in the home re-do where you get to figure out where the books will go? Great place to be in the process.

    A very visually interesting tour of a bygone community. Great to see through the eyes of a photographer.
