
Sunday 26 May 2013


This Sunday, Sal and I drove off to Stones on the Yarra - a vine yard, cafe, restaurant and music venue in the Yarra Valley. Sal was singing with the choir again and I was along to cheer and clap in all the right places.

As is often the case I could not resist having a bit of a look around as she was getting organised.  Some time in the last few days there must have been a wedding at the venue, because there was light scattering of confetti mixed in with autumn leaves and small stones.

The music was great, and its not just because I am biased. 

You can find more macro shots at I love Macro

Thanks to Lisa for the time she put in to running Macro Monday.  

Enjoy the close ups.


  1. a nice story accompanied a very different image

  2. What a nice day out for you both.

  3. Sounds like a lovely day, well spent! Have a happy week ahead.

  4. Nice story with a nice picture, Stewart.
    Have a great new week.
    Regards, Irma

  5. What a colorful macro! Its great that you had a memorable evening. Have a lovely week ahead Stewart :)

  6. I heard at one time somewhere, that wedding tradition of throwing rice at the bride and groom changed to throwing bird seed as then it would no linger on afterwards as did rice, for the birds would later come and eat the seed. Now it appears tradition has gone the wrong way even more so with manufactured plastic and paper confetti?

  7. It is hard for me to imagine that you are embracing fall (in all of it's glory) as we struggle to get into Spring or Summer(it has been in the 40's the last two days ... and it is almost June). These are my two favorite seasons and through you I get to celebrate them together ... a rare treat. And speaking of rare treats ... How wonderful that Sal shares her talent with the rest of the world. You must be very proud ... There is nothing like beautiful music in beautiful surroundings. Leave it to your eye to pick up on the conffetti and the leaves ... very nice, Stewart.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  8. that's rather cute. at least it is biodegradable and won't bloat the birds like uncooked rice. :)

  9. I've never actually met or known anyone named Sal.
    It happens to be the nickname my dad has called me all my life. Only my dad. He's always had a nickname for each of us kids. My uncle Stewart (coincidence again - family name, my grandma's maiden name was Stewart) tried calling me by that nickname once when I was a young teenager.. it was an awkward moment. It's my dad's name for me. :)
    That's a fun photo!

  10. Makes a for a lovely photo Stewart!
    Macro Monday is no longer running, but Laura is hosting "i heart macro" at

  11. I've never seen coloured confetti before; it pays to look down for things to photograph.

  12. I love this mix... pure fun Stewart! Thanks so much for sharing with I Heart Macro:-)

  13. Hi Stewart. Once of my wife's all time favorite novels is called "Stones for Ibarra" (I think it was later made into a move). Jumped into my mind as I read your post about "Stones on the Yarra"! Wonder if the owners are familiar with this book?! Funny coincidence.

  14. Interesting mix in the image. You are an adoring fan. :)

  15. I thought those were candies on the ground :)

  16. Sounds like you had a great day. Very pretty colours on the confetti, but not as pretty as the leaf.

  17. it's like an art and abstract. very creative photo though.

  18. The confetti made a colorful addition to the little stones! Great shot! I bet you did enjoy some great music! How nice.

  19. Maybe the confetti was there to celebrate the beautiful music and the two of you getting away together!

  20. I like your picture,Stewart with the coloured confetti!!!Looks preety!!
