
Thursday 4 July 2013

Sky, Stone and Sea

This is another shot where I tried to blend stone, sea and sky into a single image - you can see my other attempt here.

These granite boulders can be seen on the walk up to the summit of Mount Amos in the Freycinet, Tasmania.

I like the way the clouds (sort of) point in towards a path of blue sky over the boulder.  But most of all I like the fact that this was taken on a great day, when both of my small people climbed a big hill - or even a small mountain!

You can find more skies at Sky Watch Friday.

(Sorry, replies to comments may be very slow over next few days)


  1. Hi Stewart,
    Beautiful landscape with beautiful views over the bay.
    Beautiful blue sky and rocks are also very beautiful.
    Regards, Irma

  2. Stewart, it is a beautiful landscape. A lovely view of the water and sky! Have a happy weekend!

  3. Wonderful perspective with the stone looking so big against that wonderful blue sky.

  4. I can't imagine a more perfect combination of what you were trying to achieve. Are you sure you didn't roll that stone there so it would be just right? LOL

  5. WOW!! Beautiful landscape, Stewart!! I love your mix of blue skies, rocks & sea.

  6. Don't tell me you made that stack, I wouldn't believe it anyhow! LOL

  7. Permanence ... what a beautiful way to describe that which is permanent. I went over to see your other rock, water, sky compositon and was struck by it. Why not call the sky Permanence in Motion ... it is, after all, an extention of the oceans. It is the constant exchange of water between the oceans and the skies that gives us life. They are one in the same. Your pictures and thoughts are so thought provoking ... I love it. And here's to your two small people who may have only just begun their climbing of high hills (or small mountains, as the case may be). They have much to look forward to with you at the helm.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  8. Beautifully composed shot Stewart. The scenery is awesome!

  9. It almost looks like a scene from our High Sierras although that tree doesn't quite fit in. I like it.

  10. Nothing I like better than sky, sea and rocks! A terrific shot!

  11. Hi Stewart Wonderful shots with great composition. Margaret

  12. Terrific perspective and I do love your composition, Stewart! I, too, love the combination of rocks, skies and sea!! Wonderful! Have a great weekend!

  13. Tasmania is great! We were there in December and went to the north of Tasmania.We saw a lot and started in Arthur River.

  14. Hallo Stewart!!!What a beautiful landscape!!!I like the view of the bay!!!Wonderful shots!!!Have a lovely weekend!!

  15. Great SkyWatchFriday-post!
    A lovely sky in your photo, great colours too!

  16. Beautifully composed shot.

  17. Love the panoramic view of mountain and coastline with the boulder taking pride of place! And what a stunning blue sky!

  18. Very nice view. it is amazing what we can see... thanks for sharing.

  19. That is a stunning landscape!

  20. Wow, Stewart, that shot rocks!

  21. I'm stretching my arms out and taking a deep breathe.

  22. Terrific juxtaposition of earth, water and sky!
    Very nice composition!

  23. Sounds like a great time & great memories. A beautiful sky to top it off!

  24. That is quite a huge boulder. I love the blues of the sky and lake. It looks like the clouds are pointing to the boulder. I am glad the young ones like hiking. They sleep well at night don't they. MB

  25. very nice photos.
    regards Bab

  26. I have a picture of a boulder very like that in Utah -- and a second funny one of Bill and our (grown) son pretending to try to push it off it's base. (Your picture is too good to make a joke of.)

  27. I love everything about this photo!
    That looks like a big beautiful crescent shaped beach in the background.
