
Wednesday 3 July 2013

Wild Bird Wednesday 51 - Superb Fairy-Wren

Fairy-Wrens are delightful little birds that are often found in busy family groups.  They seem to be able to move at near light speed when you try to photograph them.

So I was pleased to find this rather more cooperative than normal family of Superb Fairy Wrens at Flinders a fe weekends ago.

These birds go by the scientiifc name of Malurus cycneus - with the genus name meaning delicate tail and the species name meaning blue - so we have "blue delicate tail".  Which of course would lead you to ask - "So, where is the blue?"

Unfortunately the male birds are not at their most superb at this time of year - I'll have to wait until the spring for those shots!  The last picture here is of a male - you can see his blue tail and the lack of red around the eyes and towards the beak .

Now its over to you to join in with WBW - click the link and off you go.  Don't forget to link back to here to visit and invite.

Next week WBW (in this version) will be 1 year old!  So, I think I may have to celebrate.


  1. speaking of stinkin' cute!!! these birds are nothing BUT stinkin' cute!

  2. I love the different Fairy Wrens! I've seen lots of photos from bloggers in Australia. I wish we had some here. Excellent shots!

  3. They look like our long tail-tit witha lovely bit of blue in the tail, great photos Stewart.

  4. Very lovely little bird .

  5. Stewart, those are tack sharp photos of those little wrens. I like the subtle colors of their plumage and their perky postures.

  6. Classic Wren poses.

    Looks like we will all have to find something special to commemorate the 1st Anniversary of WBW next week.

  7. Lovely photos, so sharp. We don't have this bird in Sweden.
    Greetings Pia

  8. What a sweet little bird ... do they have a big voice like ouur House Wrens? They look very much like our House Wren except the white chest. Great pictures Stewart ... and I agree, they are hard to catch because they don't stay in one spot long ... like ADHD of the Bird World :) Have another great week, Stewart ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  9. What a fabulous little bird. From Findlay

  10. What a beautiful bird and great captures for the day, Stewart!!

  11. A cracking little bird there Stewart. Thanks for hosting once again.

  12. It's a stunning little bird to see Stewart... fantastic images.

  13. I think that this Little guy loves you and your camera !!

    Great !!


  14. Great photos of beautiful little birds. They won't sit still for me to photograph them either!!

  15. Marvelous photos of this little Fairy Wren Stewart, a darling little bird.

  16. Well, that's a sweetie! I like his little "mask" around the eyes!

  17. Handsome bird!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  18. What a sweet little wren, very pretty and unlike the wrens we see here. Thanks for the beautiful photos Stewart!

  19. They're adorable -- they look like illustrations of birds from a child's book. Little charmers.

  20. They are adorable birds, Stewart. I love the detail of color near its beak and that cute tail. Wonderful photos. Have a great week and thanks for hosting.

  21. Wrens here are so curious. I had one get in my attic through the garage. ANother time it found one hole to get into the screen porch but of course couldn't find its way out the same way. We finally managed to find the hole and plug it. I also had to buy a wren house so it would stop fighting over living space with the chickadee.

  22. Oh my goodness....what an AWESOME bird!! LOVE these shots Stewart!!

  23. That's definitely a wren's tail! I love these, so cute!

  24. Oh how I love them. I have them all over the garden , around the dam and on the road verges and wake up in the morning to their twittering as they graze my flower beds, lawn and paddocks.
    Great captures Stewart, especially of the little female with her tail flicked up. I know well what it takes to get good shots of them even when they are not in mating plumage. When they are, the female has a blue tail too.

  25. Wonderful images, Stewart! They are such cute birds!

  26. Just a darling and delightful bird.
    I so enjoy the bird life posts.. and yet I never have any to share.
    Life is busy, but I need to make more time to try to capture our birds. (I think that might lead to me looking for a better bird lens, too!)

  27. Hi Stewart I love Fairy Wrens. They are so small addn beautiful in the breeding season and very varied across the whole country. Great shots of them. What will you come up with for next weeks anniversary! And what will we!! Margaret

  28. Hi Stewart,
    Beautiful pictures of the wren.
    We also have this bird in the Netherlands.
    Regards, Irma

  29. seems we were on the same path for this post Stewart. I only just downloaded my pics from today's outing. The s.f.w. were very plentiful up here too; good to see

  30. What beautiful captures Stewart. Wow you really capture the most perfect moments in nature.

  31. What a wonderful little bird, Stewart! And happy almost-anniversary!

  32. They are adorable!

  33. Wonderful photos Stewart!
    What a cute little bird,and that cute tail!!!Great captures!!!
    Have a lovely and worm day!!

  34. One of the cutest little wrens I've ever seen!

  35. Indeed, birds are looking pretty and lovely.

  36. Absolutely gorgeous shots, Stewart!! I love Fairy-wrens. Such sweet little birds and so very quick! You've done well capturing so many great shots.

  37. don´t think I´ve seen this one before. It is really sweet with that tail and the red that goes through the eyes.

    Thanks for hosting WBW.

  38. Brilliant series of this species!
    Really nice to see a comparison of the male and female.

  39. What a cute little puff ball!
    Great photo Stewart.
