
Monday 19 August 2013

Literary Reference at Queenscliff

I had been meaning to take a picture of this sign for a while, but never managed to get around to it.  Then one day, I was in the right place, with the right lens and a little bit of light. So this picture is in Queenscliff in Victoria - an old fishing port rebirthing itself these days a tourist destination.  It has one of the best fish and chip shops in the Known Universe.

The image is inspired by a theme / idea from one of my favourite books.

So, what am I on about?  Well lets see if you can work it out - I dont think its too hard.

There are more pictures from around the world to be found here at Our World Tuesday.



  1. Great capture! specially, everyone should follow this rule.

  2. Are we talking Australian widlife here Stewart as in "Jaws"? Is so I claim any prize.

  3. Well whatever you are about I think you have 'sneaker waves there just like on the ocean up here and they will zip you right out to certain doom. MB

  4. After my recent ocean scare I am definitely mindful of this! BTW I found a way to bypass that pesky Blogger rule that only allows you to follow a certain number of blogs (300) so I am finally following your blog now Stewart!

  5. Dat staat er niet voor niets.

  6. That's a neat photo, and I like the sign!

  7. Nice one Stewart! I have an under current to me, that many people don't know about.

    About Queenscliff... I know that a lot of people hate tourist destinations (or tourist traps), but in many cases, it is the only way that the history of places like this get preserved.

  8. I thought of Jaws but then I thought you would be thinking of something on a higher literary plane than that so I'm stumped.

  9. nice snapshot Stewart in good light but I have no clue...

  10. So are you trying to snake past that sign. Are you all healed now? Great capture, have a happy week!

  11. I have no idea either. Now if you were in America I would say it has to do with the government.

  12. I'm stumped on the literary connection, but it's a neat shot.

  13. In "The World According to Garp"' the young boy thought his father was warning him to be careful of the the Undertoad. Probably not the correct answer, though! When will you tell us???

  14. What a lovely scene.

  15. Great image Stewart! I don't have a clue either!

  16. Interesting sign!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  17. Not sure about the literary reference but I LOVE the white breakers on the horizon. You've almost fooled me into thinking it's summer down there! :)

  18. I don't have a clue either Stewart!!!Nice sign!!

  19. Nope...can't come up with a literary shot though!!!

  20. Nice shot....and have no clue which book you are refering to!
