
Wednesday 21 August 2013

Wild Bird Wednesday 58 - White Faced Heron

Dawn at Werribee, Victoria
White-Faced Herons are a common bird of the wetlands in my part of the world.  They are my 'default heron' - meaning its the one that I think of most often if I hear the word heron.

Park ponds, road-side drains, wet pastures, the coast and sewage farms are good places to find this bird.

The white-faced heron - Egretta novaehollandiae - is a bird that lives up to its name in many ways.  Most simply it has a white face, making it generally easy to identify.  "Novaehollandiae" comes from the old name for Australia - New Holland - and Australia is the base for this species.

But like many Australians it does not mind a bit a travel and since it was named it as established itself in New Zealand and has expended into Papua New Guinea.

Its a reliably active bird, being rather more mobile that some of its relatives.

Halls Gap, Grampians, Victoria

Point Lonsdale, Victoria, Australia

Point Lonsdale, Victoria, Australia
Magnetic Island, Queensland,  Australia
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  1. a most beautiful heron! very striking!

  2. What a handsome heron ... again another bird I wasn't aware of. He seems a bit shorter than our Great Blue Herons and it is hard to get a handle on his actual size. Maybe you could fill me in on that too :) Thanks, Stewart ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  3. It is a really smart looking heron Stewart but then I can't think of a heron or an egret that isn't good looking.You took some good shots there.

    I still think "Jaws" was a good guess but bow to your superior literary knowledge.

  4. What a gorgeous bird! Love the color combination. Your first photo is beautiful!

  5. Wonderful captures. They do stand still for pics. :)

  6. soooo nice photos of the Heron lovley grey colour .Have a nice day ,nette

  7. What a beautiful heron! I like the dawn silhouette shot too.

  8. Beautiful heron and lovely pictures. My default heron is the Great Blue ... and that's an interesting concept. I often see several other kinds of herons as well (not your beautiful one of course) but, yes, if I just see the word 'heron' I have one certain picture in mind. Was it the first one we ever saw maybe?

  9. Handsome fellow!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  10. Great photos and very interesting to see your photos of this bird taken in so many different places.

  11. It's beautiful!!! Such a great species Stewart.

  12. Very distinctive facial markings. Excellent series Stewart.

  13. Stewart, your white-faced heron is a gorgeous bird. It seem just as common there as the Great Blue Heron is here. Wonderful photos, thanks for hosting. Have a happy week!

  14. Oh, I do not ever remember seeing images of a White Faced Heron before and what a grand looking bird. Thank you for sharing the beauty Stewart and have a great remainder to your week~

  15. What a beautiful Heron bird Stewart!!
    Great captures!!

  16. Do you think this one has an edge when it comes to gracefulness? Seems so to me but haven't seen a heron for a long time. Lovely blue-grey coloring.

  17. Hi Stewart Yes the WF Heron is a very distinguished bird and these shots are very good. Off to take Charlie for a walk!

  18. One of my favourite birds and your photos definitely did it justice!

  19. That is such a beautiful bird!!

  20. enjoyed your lovely herons today Stewart; one of my favourites but they often very timid and want to take off

  21. Beautiful pictures of herons, Stewart.
    Very sharp and with many details, compliments.
    Greetings Irma

  22. Nice run down on our elegant white-faced heron. I snapped one today also, perched on a neighbours TV arial.

  23. Beautiful photos of the heron.

  24. What a pretty face!!! Great shots Stewart!

  25. Beautiful shots of the heron. They are an attractive bird and we get them a lot on our dam - also pinching fish from the fishpond.

  26. I love herons. I have only seen a handful in person though. The white-faced heron looks beautiful!!

  27. Great images, Stewart! They are quite elegant birds.
    I see a lot of White-faced Herons up here, along with Intermediate & Great Egrets.

    I would never have guessed your literary question.

  28. These are great pictures. Call it luck or coincident but we also posted a new post about birds Birding and Much More at Bharatpur

  29. I always love to see herons. We stumbled across a rookery once. The sound was so odd. Until we looked up!

  30. Stewart, I love the silhouette image and the 2nd photo where you can see its beautiful facial markings.

  31. Thanks for the beautiful photo gallery and weekly link up. I am going to make it a goal to get a photgraph worthy to link up in the next few weeks. Following you now too. :)

  32. I cannot believe that there are so many different Herons. When I here the word Heron I just think of the Great Blue because they are as common as Robins here---which means they are everywhere. Neat pics. MB

  33. Hi Stewart,
    The default heron in my part of the world is the Great Blue Heron. I've never seen a White Faced Heron so I found your post very interesting and the photographs just excellent.

  34. Great capture heron, best regard from Belgium

  35. Very beautiful Heron. I really like the white face.

  36. Wonderful bird!

  37. Your heron photos are awesome! I wish I would have had one of my zoom lenses on my day out on the lake. I was a little afraid of getting them wet!

  38. I love the Herons. It seems they have more patience than I do when fishing, but they are also more successful!

    Superb photographs, Stewart!

    Is it mid-week already??


  39. What a pretty heron Stewart. I have only seen the grey ones we have here, they are such a graceful bird when they are fishing.

  40. A smart Heron you have here Stewart. I guess by the looks of it, it is smaller than the UK default Heron.... The Grey.

    I was lucky enough to see the Goliath Heron a few weeks ago in Sth Africa

  41. Great photographs of a beautiful bird!

  42. Such beautiful bird Stewart!!!
    Exellent shots!!!Hope you're much better now!!!

  43. Nice photos! I really do like seeing these guys, no matter which type they are.
