
Monday 14 October 2013

12 Apostles.

I'm pleased to announce that my immune system seems to have gained a upper hand over the hell virus that has been doing it best to reduce me to a shivering heap over the last four or five days. As a result I am back on line - if still  feeling a little more like dial up than broadband!

When we were away in the last school holidays we visited the 12 Apostles, which are a set of sea stacks in Port Campbell National Park.  These stack are a bit of an icon of this stretch of the coast and as a result are very well known and photographed.  Such places pose a challenge - because a access is limited and the viewpoints are, well, viewpoints.

This is a very active landscape - with lots of erosion. One of the larger stacks collapsed in 2005 - now that would have beeb a photograph!  As far as I know there were never 12 stacks here at the time it was given its biblically flavoured name - either somebody had skipped a few too many maths classes or they got over excited!

The two piles of rock in the foreground of the picture above are all thats left of the stack that collapsed in 2005!

You can see that the rock in this area is being eroded from top and bottom.

You can find more shots around the world at Our World Tuesday.


  1. Glad to hear you are feeling better. The apostles look amazing. Would be nice to see a before and after shot of the collaspe. x

  2. Good to read that it's better with you, Stewart.
    Being sick is not fun.
    The photos are beautiful, what a beautiful area there.
    Greetings Irma

  3. hopelijk gaat het al wat beter? ziek zijn ben je meestal heel snel zat. je hebt er een mooie serie van gemaakt maar als het zo doorgaat blijft er niet veel van over.

  4. Hi Stewart...

    nice to hear that it´s getting better with you .... !

    Nice photos ! I love the second !


  5. Fantastic landscape! Glad you're beating the bug.

  6. super photos Stewart and a place I'd like to revisit some day

  7. Glad you're starting to feel a bit better Stewart. I had never heard of the Twelve Apostles before. Wow they're breathtaking.

  8. Guesses what year for the next collapse....

    Glad your up and at em again Stewart

  9. time changes everything. Beautiful photos Stewart.

  10. Interesting formations!
    And I really like the swirly lines formed as the sea meets the sandy beach.
    Have a wonderful week!

  11. What a cool scenic view! The rock formations and coastline are beautiful. I am glad you are feeling better, hope you are 100% soon. Take care and have a happy week!

  12. Glad you're feeling better. The flu is no fun. These Apostle Stacks are pretty amazing. Nice photos of them!

  13. they're very cool, even if slowly disappearing. i liked the 'never 12' math wizard speculation. :)

  14. This is very similar to our Sonoma coastline. At one place was an arch and a few years ago the arch gave way and collapsed. Amazingly a photographer happened to be there at the time and captured the collapse in a series of three pictures. The state park service used those photos in their information display at the turnout. Imagine the luck in that. Keep on getting better.

  15. First of all, I'm so glad you're feeling much better, Stewart!! Never fun to be sick! And what a gorgeous area this is!! And it does indeed have an interesting name!!! I'd love to spend some time there! Hope you have a great week!

  16. What a beautiful place! So happy to hear you're on the mend.

  17. Hope you make a quick and full recovery Stuart.

    Surely not a biblical myth?
    Very photogenic.

  18. They are great photos Stewart and a lovely reminder of where I was exactly a year ago.

  19. Good to hear you are on the mend Stewart. Those are some wonderful shots of the stacks and the beach they are off of.

  20. One of my favourite road trips! Stunning photos Stewart!

  21. Maybe there are plenty of them when they named it, so the name. I see some people on the beach below the cliffs, it looks so dangerous. It is good you don't have earthquakes. Very lovely photos, thanks.

  22. I'm glad you're feeling better. What a gorgeous place to visit.

  23. These shots are so lovely!

  24. Lovely pictures. This is one place I have yet to visit.

  25. Such stark beauty, and interesting to see how they were formed.

  26. These stones make very imposing figures in the sea. All things do eventually erode it seems but, in this case, hopefully later rather than sooner!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Glad you are feeling better Stewart! These rocks and the scenery is amazing! We have Apostle Islands here in the US in Lake Superior. It was thought there were 12 of them, therefore the Apostles. But someone miss counted there too and there are more than 12 although I don't know how many.

  29. What stunning beauty! I'm glad to hear you are feeling better. Seems to be a lot of gunk going around the whole world.

  30. Cool rocks ... get well soon, Stewart!

  31. What a beautiful landscape!
    Nice to hear you´re getting better!

  32. Good lad beating that nasty virus! Glad you are feeling better.
    I first became acquainted with the apostles on Vic.Rail in the days when trains still had compartments decorated with B&W photos of noteworthy sights, mostly inaccessible without a car and only few people had those.
    I was pleased to see that the weather was kinder to you than me on my last two trips along the coast. In the dim distant past I seem to remember twelve though one was further away.

  33. I love that kind of wild rocky beach...some places in Oregon Coast a bit like that...for a minute there I thought you were going to say the 12 apostles had helped heal you(LOL)

  34. Glad you are well. Looks like a great place to visit.

  35. I hope you are all the way back to feeling better by now.

    I love these photos Stewart! What an amazing place. Have you ever taken any photos from the sand in that area?
