
Wednesday 16 October 2013

Wild Bird Wednesday 66 - Crimson Rosella

One of the many wonderful things about the last holiday was being woken by the silver, bell-like calls of parrots.  There are few better sounds in the world.

We were under strict instructions from the owner of the house not to feed the parrots, and although we were visited on occasions, it was clear this was more in hope than anticipation.  So these birds were a little more timid than many holiday house birds - and I have to say I rather liked that.

Just a few strides from the front door there was a collection of fruit trees - an orchard no less - and this is where the parrots could be found in the mornings.  With their clever feet and cleaver beaks they were feasting on the newly emerged buds.  Their appetites did not bode well for an autumn harvest.

The more I looked at these images, the more I liked the fact that parts of the birds are obscured and hidden with the tree.  I gives a better feel for the slightly secretive behaviour of these birds.

The birds are Crimson Rosellas - and there are two birds.  There is a tiny touch of green on the back of the bird in the third picture suggests that it may be a young male - the green being the last hint of immature plumage.  Telling adult males from females is not task for me!  For the technical minded this bird is also know as Platycercus elgans.   The name "rosella" is thought to be a corruption of "Rose Hill" the place where these types of bird (although not this species) was first given an English name.  This story may even be true.

Now its your turn - click on the link below and off you go into the wild world that is Wild Bird Wednesday.    


  1. This is my first time ever seeing Crimson Rosellas. They're beautiful Stewart. Thank you for sharing these photos.

  2. What a beautiful, colorful bird, Stewart, I've never seen one before and your captures are superb as always! Hope your week is going well!!

  3. They might not be good for the harvest, but they are beautiful birds.

  4. These birds are strikingly beautiful! I LOVE their rich colors. I have never seen one of these, so thank you for sharing your photos of them.

  5. Stunning little birds Stewart... nothing like them flying around my garden.

  6. Beautiful birds ,do i see appleblossoms .lovley .Here we have vinter soon may be tomorow ,Nette

  7. Crimson Rosella is the perfect name for him ... they are certainly beautiful and I agree the slightly hidden parts makes it more realistic ... more natural. You have so many beautiful parrots in Australia and we have none ... at least not in our area. Maybe in Florida, though I doubt that they are native. My one little escapee parakeet has disappeared. He never returned to my feeder after I put the cage out. It doesn't bode well for him, but in my heart, I keep hoping someone else was able to bring him in or he joined a group of migrating birds and headed to a warmer climate. Hope you are over your ugly flu bug and feeling yourself again.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  8. Imagine getting them in your garden. I don't think I'd ever leave the house. From Findlay

  9. Their backs have a beautifully intricate pattern. Very nice images!

  10. My gosh, these are BEAUTIFUL birds! What a treat to see and photograph them. And photographed very well, I might add!

  11. So colourful! I would love to see these in person.

  12. ah geweldig mooi Stewart maar ik kan mij ook voorstellen dat de eigenaar van de boomgaard er niet blij mee is.

  13. Hi Stewart... that´s what i call a colorful bird !

    Very nice ...

    Best regards...

  14. Hi Stewart,

    Shoo this beauty down my way please a couple with him will do.

  15. Hi Stewart, I'm back in Tanzania after a lovely break in South Africa. I've seen photos of Crimson Rosellas before but never such beautiful images as you posted here. But then your photos are always stunning. Wise not to feed these birds. I will link to your meme tomorrow when my post is aired. Greetings, Jo, East Africa

  16. Wow....awesome colors!!! Beautiful captures Stewart.

  17. Crimson rosellas are enchanting. Love their colour flashing through the sky.

  18. I've never seen pictures of this bird before. Amazing. Thanks for this.

  19. So vivid! It is nice to have visitors doing there own thing.

  20. Great photos of the Rosellas. They are beautiful birds.

  21. Stewart, your Crimson Rosellas are gorgeous birds. I love the colors, so pretty. Thanks for hosting, have a happy week!

  22. they're a lovely rosella; I wonder if they don't selectively prune the buds since they'd want to return to also eat the fruits in season

  23. We get the odd Crimson Rosella up this way, not as often as i would like to see them. Great photos.

  24. So sorry I have not a single bird to post this week. Lately I have been blessed by a pair of graygone flitting and hovering around the house but certainly not staying still enough even to get the camera to my eye.

  25. These are gorgeous birds! I love the pattern on their backs!

  26. Wow, what delightful "holiday house birds" you have there, Stewart. Living in New England, I can't even begin to imagine any of these flitting about in our forests here. Thanks for sharing yours with us.

  27. Gosh, what an amazing sight to see outside your front door!

  28. Congrats! A very colorful bird with lots of color. So many secretive feathered friends:)

  29. I love that bird! And agree that it is lovely to see the way it behaves, hiding in the trees. How I'd love to spy that beautiful red , hard to imagine it as a backyard bird,

  30. LOvely captures of the colorful bird .. Thanks for sharing :) .. This is first time I am seeing this and not sure if I can find these in India.

    Let me check out other posts on Birding..

  31. They really look Beautiful surrounded by those green leaves! Awesome captures!!

  32. Lovely shots, Stewart.
    Thanks for hosting.

  33. What beautiful birds! And what great shots! I've got some bird shots for my next post, but this time did one on sorghum making in the Ozarks, so didn't link up!

  34. What a treat to have these birds visit you on your vacation, Stewart. Such wonderful, jewel-like colors.

    I've been away from blogging for almost two month dealing with family concerns. Glad to be back with Wild Bird Wednesday. I've missed seeing everyone's entries.

  35. What gorgeous birds! They may be secretive, but those bright colors must usually give away their hiding places.

  36. I think you are right Stewart. There is almost nothing worse than having birds that are so tame that you have to back the camera off to get focus. You see, you got great shots and the birds are truly wild.

  37. What a wonderful species, Cheers Stewart

  38. Hi Stewart... Nice holiday treat!! Just stunning colors!! Like you said it is nicer to have the natural photo them the begging for food photo's : )


  39. Wow! I have never seen or heard of these bird before. They are stunningly beautiful. The same is true of your photos of them.
    Very nice Stewart!

  40. Wow--what a beauty! So colorful!

  41. The crimson Rosellas are such beautiful birds
