
Monday 28 October 2013


Waterfalls are wonderfully photogenic - even if they can become rather over done at times.

As you may have gathered from other posts, my last trip away was marked by more than a bit of rain.  This is, of course, very good for water falls.

The first here is Erskine Falls.  This is a very well known waterfall just behind Lorne.  It takes less than 10 or 15 minutes to walk to the base of the falls, and is very popular. I can see why!

Erskine Falls
Erskine Falls
Erskine Falls
 While I like the "grand" shots of the waterfalls - I think I like the last one best.  I took a number of shots of this scene, and this is the one where I most like the balance between movement and clarity.

We also encountered some unnamed water falls, where recent rain was running off the cliffs around the 12 Apostles and London Bridge.  Somehow, these transient falls seemed more interesting than the named and well known ones with the well beaten paths.

You can find more shots from around the world at Our World Tuesday.  SM


  1. I like that second shot the best. That would easily be one of my favorite destinations.

  2. dit is geweldig mooi ,wat een kracht toont dit wat een lawaai moet het daar dichtbij zijn maar het is sprookjesachtig mooi.

  3. Lovely post, got to admit the second shot is fantastic

  4. Wonderful! Beautiful!
    Have a great week!

  5. I like all the shots, however I too like to get off the beaten path for a different perspective. Have a great week.

    Dawn AZ USA

  6. Hello Stewart...

    every time when i see your photos, i think by myself... I´d like to make holidays there :)

    Very nice photos ...

    Best regards

  7. Magnificent! Reminds me of the waterfalls in Oregon.

  8. HI Stewart I love all the shots however the 2nd one is my favorite one. I never tire of seeing waterfalls.

  9. Beautiful waterfalls photos!
    Greetings, RW & SK

  10. Stewart, these are gorgeous. Just curious, is the bottom part of the corner post missing on this side of the photo? Scary.

  11. Awesome waterfalls, Stewart, and such terrific captures! Beautiful place to spend some time!! Enjoy your week!

  12. I never get tired of viewing waterfalls. They are all terrific Stewart, I like the one under the observation deck, it's unexpected!

  13. Oh my gosh Erskine Falls looks like an amazing place to experience. I would love to stand in the mist!!

  14. Looks like a wonderful area. Thanks for showing it.

  15. Love the second shot the best to be honest. :)

  16. Wonderful collection of waterfall photos, Stewart! My hubby would like to see them all! Have a happy week!

  17. Great photos! I like the first one the best, it fits perfectly into my image of the garden of Eden!

  18. Gorgeous series of waterfall photos! So beautiful! The second photo is also my favorite! :)

  19. Wow - those fall shots are gorgeous!

  20. Second & third pictures are awesome...

  21. Hello :) As your newest follower, im happy to have found your blog. The pictures are so beautiful. The cascading waterfall is so scenic :)

  22. Brilliant, pity we don't have such spectacular falls in the UK

  23. I used to sort of "collect" waterfalls, but we haven't walked to one for way too long a time. Too often, it seems like photos don't capture the movement of the water very well -- it looks like milk instead. Your photos all look very much like beautiful rushing falling water and I wish I could take that walk!

  24. What a beautiful place! Love the photos.

  25. Must admit - I'm a sucker for waterfalls! Looks like a lovely place.

  26. Beautiful pictures Stewart!!!What a lovely place!!!
