
Wednesday 30 October 2013

Wild Bird Wednesday 68 - Sulphur-crested Cockatoo

If the truth be told, this post should really be called "Rather Acclimated Bird Wednesday" - but that does lack a certain rhythm.

Why I say that is because this weeks bird was a regular at a rather good riverside cafe during our trip to Lorne.  As you can see from the pictures, this bird was at home on a fence rail as it was in the tree tops.

Sulphur-crested Cockatoos are not always welcome guests around human habitation as they have a serious tendency to eat your house!  I know of no nutrient that can only be gained from treated timber and gutters, but it seems essential to some of these birds!

For all their destructive tendencies, I always like watching them.  Like most parrots they are intelligent, "talkative", active birds.  This one kept a very keen eye on our plates, but unlike some birds in similar places it was polite enough to wait until we were leaving before it investigated our table.

For all that this may not be a truly wild bird, watching them around a cafe is infinitely preferable to seeing them bored and caged in pet shops.  (I think I may have expressed an opinion there!)

I have to say that the bird looks rather pleased with itself in the picture after the yawn!

Now its over to you - you probably know what to do!
And if not, well, just click the link below and follow the instructions.
Invite, share, +1 and generally enjoy.  SM


  1. so very cute! and i thought woodpeckers rat-a-tat-tatting on our house was bad... :)

    thanks for hosting, stewart!

  2. He is a beauty!! and i LOVE that feather curl on his head!!

  3. Hi...

    very nice photos !! My favorite is the last one ... absolutely brillant !!

    Best regards

  4. He is a handsome fellow! Great shots, as always, Stewart! Hope your week is going well!!

  5. A wonderful looking bird but I don't think I'd want one for a pet.

  6. I can't wait to live in a place where i see parrots on a regular basis. But when I do it will be inevitable I'll get annoyed with them. They can be super loud. And hungry for house I guess. Geez.

  7. Beautiful shots of the bird. It's weird to think of them as being wild which they are over there. Here in America, cockatoos are only breeded pets. It must be pretty cool to see them out flying around, even if they are trying to steal your lunch.

  8. You captured some handsome photos of this guy!
    Like Theresa I have woodpeckers grabbing bugs on my house and have to shoo them away. I definitely wouldn't want this guy chomping down for dinner. :)

  9. Pretty...the sunlight makes this bird exceptionally pretty Stewart

  10. He looks really good fun. I'd share my lunch. From Findlay

  11. He is beautiful and you certainly captured his lively personality. I love his little yellow crest. Gorgeous set!

  12. I've actually met this bird in person and I love the curiosity and intelligence! Great shots and one beautiful bird.

  13. Awesome serie! Lovely bird! Is this the same as "Baretta" had?

  14. HI Stewart Great shots of this SC Cockatoo. They are so white and I love to see their crest's up. Will put my bird on tomorrow(my Wedneday)

  15. He sure posed nicely Stewart! He's a handsome guy. Thanks for hosting.

  16. Vey nice portrait ,handsome bird .Funny to know that it eats houses .Nette

  17. Well, they are much prettier than the black vultures around here who eat cars! (In the Everglades, there are signs warning you that you may wake up from a nap to find all the seals on your car or RV doors gone).

  18. I agree that they are very smart birds and fun to watch - but I much prefer watching them tear up things in my neighbor's yard and not mine!!

  19. Hij is wel heel mooi Stewart wat een prachtige kuif.

  20. Super photos of him! I love his snowy white feathers.

  21. I like 'em! I think they are impressive.

  22. Awesome bird and photos, Stewart. It is so nice to see this bird out of a cage, in the wild where they belong. Thanks for hosting, have a great week!

  23. Very pretty! It almost looks like he's smiling! Nice photos!

  24. He is indeed a handsome character ... and undoubtedly taken with himself.
    I can't imagine a parrot eating a house. I have never heard of such a thing and it does make me wonder what the attraction would be. I do know that they need to chew on hard things to keep their beaks from growing or keep them sharp or however it is they need to keep them ... but do they actually eat the wood? What about splinters ... oh, I don't even want to think about it. Fun post, Stewart. And I couldn't agree with you more ... they are much happier in the wild than in a cage.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  25. Very comical and animated guy. Must realize that he's playing for his supper. Was he working alone?

  26. Such a handsome bird :) It looks very proud to be posing for you. I agree, its indeed nicer to see birds out in the open rather than being caged in pet shops.

    Thanks for sharing :)

  27. It is amazing that these birds fly free there. Really good photos Stewart. This guy is pretty cute!

  28. The cockatoo is a grand but raucous bird. A flock screeching in flight can be ear-splitting. Great photos.

  29. Lovely pictures... first and second pictures are very beautiful...

  30. It's a gorgeous bird! I agree that it's nicer to see them in the wild than in cages.

  31. The bird is beautiful!
    Greetings, RW & SK

  32. Wow they are beautiful, but oh my, how do you shoo them away from eating on a home...we have Woodpeckers and Squirrels that do that kind of damage around here~

  33. Beautiful and adaptive bird, quite a delight to see.

  34. They are a striking bird! Thanks for hosting, Stewart.

  35. Nice bird. His light colors are just such happy ones. It really brightened up my morning.

  36. Destructive as they may be, they're absolutely beautiful.

  37. All gorgeous photos, and nobody would quibble over wild vs acclimated in this instance! Lovely bird.

  38. What a fun bird to watch. I suppose all parrots would be fun to watch. You have so many colorful birds oout your way. MB

  39. House-eating birds!! Now that is something!
    Awesome photos, it's a very interesting parrot.

  40. Hi Stewart....He looks like it could be a real ham ; ))!!
    Gorgeous birds, with bad habits!!


  41. He is certainly beautiful! Wonderful photos, Stewart.

  42. Bela série de fotos. Muito fofas!



  43. Stunning species, lovely images Stewart

  44. Well I wouldn't mind watching those all day long Stewart. Preferable to Starlings i suppose but then Starlings don't eat you out of house and home. Lovely clear and precise shots you took.

  45. Exellent shots Stewart!!!A great Australian bird!!!!

  46. Very good photo's Stewart.....specially that first and last one.

    Greetings from Holland, Joop

  47. I had no idea this species could be so destructive, Stewart!

    They certainly are beautiful. Great shots of your mealtime guest!

  48. I had no idea this species could be so destructive, Stewart!

    They certainly are beautiful. Great shots of your mealtime guest!
