
Monday 21 April 2014

A day at the beach!

I think it's hard to sum up a place with one single image - but this is my attempt at summing up my Australia in a single image.

This is a wombat, on the beach, in the sunshine!  I would also point out that this picture was taken in the middle of the school holidays, about three hours from Melbourne!  (Count the people!)

For those who need to know these things, this picture was taken at Squeaky Beach at Wilsons Promontory National Park.

You really should click on the image!

You can find more pictures from around the world at Our World Friday.


  1. Wow a wombat on the beach, I never would have imagined it. It is a great depiction of Australia and I love that it was a nice quiet place to be. Great pic.

  2. I know you have to take it easy driving in or out but to see them relaxing on the beach is a pleasure indeed.
    Have a wonderful time there with the family.

  3. Beautiful pictures Stewart.
    Very particular a wombat on the beach.
    So few people on the beach, and that in the school holiday time.
    Happy Easter Monday.
    Greetings Irma

  4. Doesn't look as though they are dressed for the beach. Is it common to find them there?

  5. Such a wonderful photos !!!
    Happy Easter Monday !

  6. How lovely! I'm an expat too and the wombat is one animal I've yet to see.

  7. very unique Stewart, we don't always expect to see a wombat at the beach but knowing the location, it isn't especially 'unexpected' afterall. Carole at

  8. Cool critter, I am not familiar with the Wombat and its habitat. I assume they are not usually seen on the beach? Beautiful beach and a great shot. Have a happy day!

  9. Just stunning! You were lucky to be there at that moment but the pic is also composed so beautifully - works as a landscape shot AND a wildlife portrait.

  10. I will visit one day...but I have about twenty other US states to hit first :)

  11. Very nice beach shot, looks like my kind of beach, not crowded and a creature of nature there. I want to see a wombat someday.

  12. Wow, what an interesting critter and a great photo of it! How big is he anyway? Like a small dog?

  13. That's my kind of beach! No crowds, only nature. :o)

  14. Squeaky beach, what a great name! Love the view and the wombat is so cute!

  15. Pretty beach and how cool to see a wombat!

  16. What a delightful post for the day, Stewart!! I love the wombat on "Squeaky Beach"!!! And what a view!! Terrific! Have a great week!

  17. Gorgeous! The wombat has chosen a beautiful beach!

  18. I clicked, and it's an outstanding image!
    I've never met a wombat before.
    Wow, what scenery lies behind he & that beach, as well!

  19. How is it that he didn't turn and run when you came to take his picture ... are you a Wombat whisperer? Did you talk to him softly and convince him to stay ... that you were not a threat? He is so cute ... wouldn't you like to have him for a pet? Australia ia a wonderful place, with wonderful, interesting animals (and people). I love that you share your Australia with us.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  20. Seems to be a Wilson's Prom thing. The first time I went to Tidal River in the early 70s, I saw a wombat "paddling" in the surf!

  21. Wombat!!! I didn't know these were even real! I'm guessing they are quite rare. Cool shot!

  22. What a neat place to go---no people. Just an old wombat---I've been called worse--Not really. I love the name--Squeaky Beach where you may get squeaky clean. MB

  23. What a charming picture!

  24. How lucky for the wombat, a whole beautiful beach all to himself!

  25. Cute wombat.
    I'm trying to count the people but the sand pebbles get in the way.

  26. Omg, so amazing! I've never see a wombat! It's beautiful :D

  27. oh how lucky to see this in nature!!

  28. What is a wombat? Never seen one nor heard of iy before! A day at the beach? Would be perfect!

  29. I love an uncrowded beach! Oregon has them, but you really have to search to find them here in Florida.

    I wouldn't mind seeing a wombat on my "private" beach. Though it would probably be a huge surprise. Not the kind of animal one expects on a beach, at least in my experience.

  30. Such a cool photo. The wombat is having a holiday too.

  31. I clicked on the image and not only got a great view of the Wombat but I could see all the people that I thought you were imagining.
