
Sunday 6 April 2014

Rock Art

I'm back into the archives today - in two ways.

These shots are from a trip to central Australia last year, and they show some of the rock art that can be seem from the footpaths that skirt the base of Ularu.

These sites contain many paintings and symbols, the meaning of which is unknown to me.  But what it does show that the culture that produced them had a rich and varied understanding of what was going on around them. They were creating a symbolic understanding of their own world.   Humans are all story makers (why do you think blogging is so popular?) and even if I can't read the words of these stories I feel a kind of connection with the urge to communicate.

I have pictures of some of the more famous styles from trips further north - I think I need to go back to northern Australia - but they are as slides.  I feel an evening with a scanner coming on!

You can find more images from around the world at Our World Tuesday.

(I have entered my wordy blog in a writing competition, if you feel like finding out about it, or even voting for me have a look here.  The link to the voting page is on the RHS of the linked page.)


  1. I was not only fascinated by the art work on the rocks but by the stories of how the rocks became those shapes. The Australian Indigenous people must be some of the best story tellers ever.

  2. I think I've seen that spiral motif before on rocks in the southwestern U.S.

  3. these photos are great. it would be neat to understand what was said during that time. thanks for stopping by my blog. hope all is well. have a great weekend, what's left.

  4. Those are some really nice shots of hieroglyphics , I have seen some similar here in the U.S. Southwest. Someday I would love to see Australia.

  5. Stewart, neat captures of the Rock art. So each picture tells a story of what was happening many years ago? Very cool! Thanks for sharing, have a happy week!

  6. I love the rock art and your captures are great, Stewart! I really find it interesting that there are similar drawings found here in the western US! Maybe it's an even smaller world than we think??!!! Have a great week!

  7. Very unique! And great that these are still around.

  8. Enjoyed seeing the pictures and reading your informative post.

  9. Australia is a Magical place,full of rich Folk Art,will visit one day.
    Great post.

  10. Great captures of these rock stories.

  11. What great photos of these fascinating relics. So glad you've shared them.

  12. These are so cool. I love stuff like this.

  13. Thanks for posting these Stewart. Many of them are similar to what we see here in the Southwestern part of the U.S. Images made by Shamans, while in a dream state (translation: after ingesting peyote or other hallucinogens).
