
Monday 7 April 2014

Queenscliff, St George the Martyr at night

This rather wonderfully lit church was just up the road from where we stayed in Queenscliff a few months ago.

We would walk past it most evenings on the way home from the beach / pier / fish and chip shop or restaurant.  In the end I remembered to take my camera on the outward leg of these journeys, so that I could take some pictures on the way home.

The electricity (or telephone?) lines are a bit of a pain, but I do like the whole colour of the pictures.

Next time I go back to Queenscliff I think I may have to try to photograph this building again.

You can find more images from around the world at Our World Tuesday.  Enjoy the pictures.  SM


  1. Well worth trying again, although I like these shots, even with the lines. Those lines often mess up an otherwise fantastic shot don't they.

  2. Wat een gebouw geweldig mooie nachtopname.

  3. Maybe some day we will figure out a way of distributing and/or generating electricity in a way that will render lines like these obsolete.

  4. That's a beautiful building. The lighting is very nice...we just can't get away from power lines though sometimes.

  5. What a beautiful church. I really love the architecture!!

  6. The lighting is excellent. You have captured it just at the right time of the day.

  7. Such a lovely church, wonderful architecture, Stewart!! And I do agree with Fun60, terrific lighting and captured at the perfect time of day!! Hope your week is off to a great start!!

  8. Hi Stewart,
    Beautiful church, I love the light.
    Greetings Irma

  9. I love this church. And you got some great light. Nice shots!

  10. Beautiful! I like the weather vane!

  11. glad you had your camera on the ready for this church. it's beautiful. hope all is well. have a great day~

  12. It is a beautiful church, even with the power lines. Have a happy week!

  13. Beautiful, old buildings are so neat to photograph.

  14. What a lovely church - the lemon facade is beautiful.

  15. Lovely church- any idea when it was built? And the lines are a sign of our times -photoshop them? I don't mind them.

  16. Beautiful. Funny, I had the same issue (telephone/electrical wires) when trying to photograph a church in Bucharest last year. There was no way to get a shot of the church without a bunch of lines in the way!

  17. Yeah, I think you should. It is an interesting building and I like the color. MB

  18. Gothic style is fantastic as always! The stained glass rose window must be beautiful!

  19. Lovely photos! Utility lines are an unfortunate reality but they don't take away much here.

  20. The soft lighting and coloring make for nice photos, despite the lines.
