
Wednesday 9 April 2014

Wild Bird Wednesday 91 - Crested Pigeon

I think that pigeons are a rather under appreciated bird - maybe its the familiarity of the urban version - the mingled blood lines of rock doves and racing pigeons that mess up the grand city facades and statue.   Maybe it's the willingness of the city birds to come camera close, bribed with bread and grain.

Whatever the cause, I think that the consequence is that pigeons can be overlooked.  That is unless that have a headdress like this bird.

This week I give you the crested pigeon - Ocyphaps lophotes. The name means crested swift pigeon, which is correct on both counts.  These birds can often be seen on playing fields and dry grasslands.

Unlike a number of birds with a crest, this bird displays the crest almost all the time - although it sometimes lies a little flatter than expected.  I can't help but think that the bird looks surprised when it's crest is vertical!

As is often the case with birds that are overlooked, once you take a close look that are rather splendid.

Now it's over to you.  It seems that the Linky has a mind of its own at present - so please try to restrict the label on your thumbnail to a name and location, and please don't get upset if I edit it a bit for the sake of presentation.  Cheers SM.


  1. a fine-looking bird, for sure! beautiful!

  2. I've always liked these birds! They have beautiful plumage, but often look goofy!

  3. A wonderful looking bird Stewart.

  4. Quite different from my local pigeons and doves. In his own right he's quite unique with that crest.
    Nice captures Stewart!

  5. It certainly is a striking bird! Never saw one of these before.

  6. A beautiful dove. I like the soft steely grey colour and the crest.

  7. I always enjoy seeing pigeons. Especially how there feathers reflect light like hummingbirds.

  8. This is quite the Pigeon! They all have their place and they are quite fascinating. There is nothing more beautiful than Rock Pigeons flying in formation around our neighborhood. This one is a stunner!

  9. What a beauty !!!!

  10. Oh I love your crested pigeon, Stewart. Not only the stunning crest, but its markings and colors are striking as well. I also think that pigeons and doves are overlooked. I will post about one of our pretty doves soon. For today I have posted about a phenomenal bird sighting (actually two) that we saw this week here in Tz. I will link to your blog tomorrow (Wed in Africa!) Have a great day. Jo

  11. Wow - what an amazing bird - I'd never heard of one before - great shots.

  12. what an interesting looking pigeon

  13. Wow, if we had pigeons with these grand crests and colors, I would be totally enamored. Great photos!!

  14. They are quite lovely!

  15. Lovley colours on that bird .We are still waiting for birds to arrive ,Nette

  16. Awesome serie, what a great looking bird. Love the "punk" hair!

  17. Pigeons are overlooked because they are always present and many species look very similar. Beautiful photos and a funny species.

  18. Great photos - and the closer you get to them the more beautiful the colors in the plumage.

  19. Stewart, your Crested Pigeon is cool! The crest make this ordinary bird very pretty.. Great shots! Thanks for hosting!

  20. I love all pigeons ... they are amazing flyers with beautiful and varied colors. They are also a gentle friendly bird and learn to be comfortable around humans very easily. Your's is an amazing bird and I love his crest. All of the pictures are good, but the last one shows the striking colors and detail. Love this post, Stewart ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  21. What an interesting looking pigeon. I find the crest most fascinating.

  22. fabulous photos of the Crested Pigeon Stewart; I love their metallic colours in the sun

  23. Fantastic shots! This is what I call a "fancy" pigeon! Sharply dressed.

  24. A beautiful bird, Stewart.

  25. What a gtreat looking pigeon............

  26. How unusual... never seen this variety of pigeon! Quite a looker!!

  27. Especially love the colour on the wings of the crested pigeon. Always slightly different with each one. Beautiful series of photos.

  28. Hi I have always loved this bird. When you really look at it it is very pretty.

  29. Never saw one, never heard of one...but they are so cute!!! Amazing how little we really know!!!...:)JP

  30. cool bird

    I feel doves and gulls get the same lack of appreciation.

    But love them all.

  31. What a cool-looking pigeon! They do get taken for granted. Our pigeons would be so jealous of that crest. Spring is here! I witnessed a male doing his mating dance to impress a female yesterday. She was not impressed, but I was.

  32. I love his hair-do! He's really pretty. I've never seen one first-hand.

  33. What a different looking Pigeon. Never seen one with a crest. It sure makes it unusual. MB

  34. Great photos! We love pigeons. My hubby raised them long time ago and named each one of them!

  35. I love these birds, Stewart. Thanks for hosting.

  36. Awwwwh - it kind of looks like a unicorn pigeon!

  37. Crested Pigeon is a beautiful, my favourite is the last one, fantastic Stewart.

  38. Wow, this is like a high society pigeon, love it and would like to see one in person.

  39. Hello Stewart,
    I love the Crested Pigeon, and they do look surprised with their Crests up.
    They are part of my everyday life, always a pleasure, your photos of them are beautiful.
    And oh my, what a wonderful array of birds to discover have been contributed. I hardly know where to begin, and though I can't right now, I'll certainly be back to go 'bird seeing'
    This really is a lovely theme to be part of.
    Thanks for setting it up.

  40. Sorry about the delete Stewart, not sure what I did, but my comment had published twice

  41. What grand looking Pigeons and colourful, as well as having that great crest. I do appreciate Pigeons and often can miss a light changing when driving...huge sigh, because I am busy watching Pigeons fly about... Very nice Stewart~

  42. Love the crest! Great photos and info. Thanks for hosting WBW. :)

  43. what a beautiful bird. i love it's headdress. i wish our pigeons had this. i've decided to link my immature bald eagle as you requested. have a great day~

  44. You're right of course, doves and pigeons just aren't exciting enough for a lot of birders. Bit I'm sure that if a Crested Pigeon turned up in the UK it would create more than a little interest.

    Thanks for the hosting again Stewart.

  45. City pigeons are under appreciated with good reason perhaps -- but your crested one is gorgeous -- striking -- I don't see how anyone could NOT appreciate him.

    Back soon to WBW ... we are taking a class on Tuesdays for a while so it's really hard to post and link on time.

  46. Spectacular photos, Stewart.

    If I didn't know better, though, I might think you were making them up. How unusual to have cap feathers erect all the time!

  47. wow, that's a splendid bird!
    Quite memorable. Thanks for sharing your knowledge & fine photos, Stewart!

  48. I've never seen one of these in person. The local pigeons here serve mostly as easy meals for the many raptors in the area.

    Very nice photos Stewart!

  49. pigeon removal in New Jersey eliminates the issue of flocks of pigeons without harming anyone. Check it out today!
