
Friday 19 September 2014

Blubber at Blakeney Point - Common Seals

One of the main reasons I wanted to go out on the boat trip from Blakeney Point was to have a look at the seals.

This is an important area for both types of seal that breed in the UK, common and grey.

As far as I can tell these are all common seals - but I am far from being an expert on things sealy!

One thing for sure is that some of these seals are fat!  But a seal does have to feed its pup and keep warm in the chill North Sea after all!

If there are any UK seal ID gurus out three, let me know if I am wrong about the name of these seals!

You will be able to find more animals from around the world here at Saturday Critters.


  1. Love your seals for the day, Stewart!! Fun shots and such cute faces they have!! Hope you have a great weekend!!

  2. Oh, what wonderful photos, Stewart! I would love to see them up close like this!

  3. How wonderful to be so close to these big cuties! Great captures.

  4. Love the pair in that second photo, especially.

  5. wonderful shots

    their faces are so intriguing, with human emotions plastered all over them.

    Thanks for the visit

  6. These are fantastic, Stewart! Really nice shots!

  7. Great seal shots, Stewart! They are indeed fat, which is a good thing for seals.

  8. Beautiful pictures of the seals, Stewart.
    The second picture is my favorite.
    All perfectly photographed, my compliments.

  9. Oh my - they are so sweet! Great shots.

  10. Some of those seals look like you could roll them over and over into the water. LOL

  11. Wonderful photos of the seals, Stewart. They have the sweetest faces..Thank you for linking up, have a happy weekend!

  12. Great photos of the fat seals, they seem to have perpetual smiles on their faces.

  13. Fantastic shots of the seals! They are fascinating critters and love their faces!

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  14. Cute! They're beautiful animals.

  15. Great shots and I think you're right, these look like Common Seals.

  16. The seals look lovely, great shots.

  17. Wonderful hotos, great to come so close.

  18. The top two reminds me of how I feel after working a 12 hour shift, I just want to plop down in bed :) They are cute. I've always adored seals. Great photos, Stewart!

  19. Loved seeing these photos! They have such wonderful facial expressions! Those two lounging on the beach made me laugh!
