
Tuesday 23 September 2014


As I mentioned in yesterdays post, Wells was just about our nearest town for shopping when I was a kid.

I was strange to walk about it again - seeing shops that had changed a great deal, pubs that had been cleaned up a little, but were still familiar and the Cathedral which looked identical!

Having said that I was surprised that some of the shops were basically unchanged, even though I had not been in then for 30 years.  The shop where I bought fishing tackle and bait as a kids looked the same!  All that was different was that the parrot that used to sit on a perch outside of the shop seemed to have passed on!

The area around the Cathedral contains the Bishops Palace, which is surrounded by a moat.  Generally Wells has escaped the dull hand post war improvement, and still retains much of its character.

West face
West face
Bishops palace moat

Cathedral from main street

Penniless Porch
Lots of things to see in Wells

And lots of things to see from around the world at Our World Tuesday.


  1. and they say you can never go home, again... :)

  2. What an incredible place!! Terrific captures, Stewart!! Thanks for sharing!! Have a great week!

  3. Wow, the architecture is so beautiful and ornate. Great job on the pics!

  4. What a wonderful cathedral! It's fun to revisit places from childhood isn't it?

  5. That is a gorgeous cathedral! Beautiful architecture!

  6. Love the Cathedral is is beautiful. Some times things do not need to be changed..I hope you enjoyed your visit home..Have a happy week!

  7. A fascinating cathedral. love this places, especially the architecture it is full with details and signs.

  8. Impressive and majestic! Must have been quite a visit for you! Great shots for OWT!

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  9. Very impressive photos! Enjoyed them thoroughly! Looks like a very neat place to visit.

  10. How nice to get to go back to your home town and see that so many things have not changed. It helped make you who you are, even though you didn't realize it at the time! And of course now you appreciate it all so much more. Gorgeous cathedral! Wow! Loved all the wonderful shots!

  11. What?? You didn't stay in the Bishop's Palace?? I am disappointed.
    A great gothic cathedral and thanks for the details in the post below.

  12. Great captures..thanks for sharing..!

  13. What magnificent architecture and lovely shots! (Wondering if my previous comment went missing...)

  14. Wow! Massive and magnificent!

  15. Hi Stewart Wonderful shots of the Cathedral. It is lovely to be back and so how places have changed. I have now safely arrived back from 6 weeks away so have LOTS of editing to do!! Thanks for looking in on my posts while I was away and commenting. I appreciate that very much. Also for linking me in when I needed that.

  16. Hi Stewart,
    What a beautiful cathedral.
    Wow, the architecture is so beautiful.

  17. Our cathedrals and churches do seem to stand the test of time.

  18. Cheers Stuart that is one of the places on my list to visit though I think you have to pay to get photos inside the cathederal

  19. I haven't been back to the town where I grew up for many years. I'm sure I would get lost there now!

  20. The top picture of the Cathedral looks the way I imagined castles to look when I was a child. (Very small town in Washington State ... Had seen neither castle nor cathedral). I'd rather visit your hometown than mine!

  21. It's a beautiful place to visit first was as a 9year old on our way to Dorset for a holiday. I have been back as an adult but the memories of that first visit are still so clear.
