
Wednesday 26 March 2014

Wild Bird Wednesday 89 - All kinds of everything

I think it should be clear by now that I managed to pack rather a lot of sight seeing and birding into the three free days I recently had in Arizona.

There is not much of a theme to this weeks WBW, except that the pictures were all taken in Arizona.

Hope you enjoy this mixed bag of birds!

American Wigeon - Sedona
American Wigeon - Sedona 
White-Crowned Sparrow - Gilbert Water Ranch
Curved-billed Thrasher - Gilbert Water Ranch
Great Blue Heron - Gilbert Water Ranch 
Great Egret - Gilbert Water Ranch
Neotropic Cormorant - Gilbert Water Ranch 
Green Heron - Gilbert Water Ranch
Wood Duck - Sedona 
Norther Cardinal - Boyce Thompson Arboretum
Hermit Thrush - Boyce Thompson Arboretum
I hope you enjoyed the mixed bag - I do have a few left up my sleeve for weeks of birdy shortage - but next week I will be back to Australian birds!

Now its your turn - and thanks for all the supportive comments from last week.


  1. you were able to get a great selection! including a few i don't get to see here - the thrasher and thrush. :)

  2. American Wigeon is a stunning bird............

  3. Stewart you had a wonderful birding trip it would seem. Hope the business end of it was as successful. :)
    You have shared a plethora of wonderful shots today. Each one is beautifully represented. I rather like how you were able to in getting the cardinal's crest so well.

  4. Beautiful birds, terrific captures as always, Stewart!! Hope your week is going well!!

  5. Wow Stewart, you lucked out!

  6. Such credible photos and birds! Lucky you, Stewart!

    Long time no see I suppose you're saying, but today I'm here again!
    greetings Pia

  7. Love those birds and am so happy that you were able to squeeze so much into three days.

  8. Your wigeon and wood duck are awesome as are all the birds in this post. What a bird-packed trip you had. Wishing you a wonderful day. Jo

  9. Nice group! I don't think I have ever seen the Wigeon before.

  10. Beautiful birds! Lucky you. :)

  11. WOW I love them all, a few of them were ones I saw for the first time on a recent trip to Puerto Vallarta. It's always fun to go to a new place!! I hope you saw lots of new birds to add to your list.

  12. Wonderful variety of pretty AZ birds Stewart. My sister lives in Mesa, AZ, but is not a photographer nut like me. :)

  13. I can't seem to link up, tried a second time but it says I'm already linked but it's not showing up. I emailed you Stewart. Thanks!

  14. Stewart, these are just wonderful! And what a variety of shots and birds. That Red Cardinal is a bird after my own heart.

  15. What a great selection of birds, really like the Green Heron and the Sparrow. From Findlay

  16. It might be a mixed bag but it's a very nice one! Great to see so many birds on such a short trip.

  17. I have seen the Wigeon, but not that close up ... all of your pictures are awesome. Some of the best I have seen of our birds. That must be why your birds look so good to me ... you take awesome pictures. I am afraid you won't find Iowa as interesting as Arizona (Isn't Sonoma a beautiful place ... did you go to the city and peruse the art shops?). Unless, of course, you like sweet corn and go at the right time of year. You can't get any better sweet corn than our supersweet ... so make note when you go. Iowa is much closer to me ... just a state away. Maybe by your next trip you will make it to Illinois. It is a lot like Iowa here except we have Chicago and there are a ton of things to do in Chicago. Anyway, back to the reason I am here. My compliments on your selection of beautiful Arizona birds ... well done.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  18. Great shots!!! Congratulations Stewart!
    Best regards :-)

  19. Hi Stewart A wonderful selection of American birds. Great close ups of the Wigeon.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Ohhhh, I remember those curve billed thrashers in our back yard in Tucson!! They always looked so mean with those orange/red eyes!!

  22. Stewart, awesome collection of "Arizona" birds. I would like to see the Curved-bill Thrasher myself.. Wonderful photos. Thanks for hosting, have a happy week!

  23. Stewart you sure did pack in a lot of photography and I guess it was all done 'on the run' too. It's great to get the snaps but it's more relaxing and enjoyable if you can deliberate some times with your photo-taking. Such variety you shared today and I think my big excitement might be in seeing the Red Cardinal - but more so, being able to get a photo, or two of it as evidence, like you did.

  24. The cardinal, as usual, steals the show.

  25. Great variety! The Wigeons are handsome ducks! Herons are one of my favorites.

  26. Loved your selection - variety is the spice of life!

  27. Beautiful looking birds and great photos of them Stewart! You didn't waste any time in Arizona.

  28. What a collection of fine feathers you have today!!!...:)JP

  29. Great photos! Not knowing these birds I find myself wondering which (If any) were more routine finds among a series of cracking experiences!

  30. I love the Curved-billed Thrasher and Green Heron pics Stewart.

  31. You got a grand assortment of birds on your trip to AZ.

  32. Fabulous shots of these beautiful birds, Stewart!

  33. Hello Stuart M,
    A wonderful array of birds you've shared. Gilbert Water Ranch must be a Birder's Paradise.
    You obviously had a wonderful time in Arizona.
    And the Wood Duck, so many exquisite markings and so different to the ones here in SE Queensland.
    I love the Northern Cardinal, you've photographed him looking very stunning.
    Thank you for the invite to share with Wild Bird Wednesday, there's such a lot to see.

  34. Most impressive, eclectic collage! Oh, I hope I see a wood duck some day!

  35. What a great selection of birds, Stewart!
    That Green Heron looks so much like our Striated Heron.
    What a wonderful experience to photograph birds from another country!

  36. You got some awesome shots. Some of these I've never seen before. Guess I need to head west!

  37. Nicely done!!!! All fantastic birds! Congrats!

  38. I have thoroughly enjoyed these Steward. A marvelous variety of beautiful birds.

  39. Awesome bird photos as usual Stewart. I don't think I've seen some of those. I saw my first curved bill thrasher last year in my yard.

  40. You did get to see quite a few birds on your visit to Arizona. You captured a great shot of the Northern Cardinal's crest.

  41. Well, I must say, for 3 days you sure did get a nice splash of what we offer here and in fact... I am a bit envious that you got the Thrasher...what a cool bird. So glad you had this opportunity.

  42. Beautiful shots as always!!! :)

  43. You got a wood duck. Beautiful!

  44. Love the birds -- I just found some pictures of curve-billed thrashers that I took when we stayed near Tucson one time. I don't know if I can edit them enough to use, but I am going to try.

    Can't believe you did all that you did in three days. Glad!
