
Monday 14 April 2014

A face in the leaves.

I was doing a bit of autumn sweeping in the garden, when I noticed a rather strange pile of leaves on the ground.  The leaves were all chewed up and there were bit of fruit in them as well!

In the branches above me I noticed a very scruffy looking nest sort of thing. Peering out of the nest were two small faces - both attached to Ring-Tailed Possums.  Needing no excuse to put down the broom I went inside to get my camera!

You can find more pictures from around the world at Our World Tuesday.

Busy week - replies may be slow!


  1. a great photo opportunity Stewart!

  2. Just look at those bright little eyes watching you! Great photo!!

  3. A wonderful photo, so cute!
    Greetings Irma

  4. Cutie pie. Just love ringtails, they tend to harvest my grapes.

  5. Oh you took my breath away ... what a sweet little face and how lucky are you to have them in your yard. Isn't it fall where you are ... isn't it late for babies? My goodness, I hope they will be okay when it gets cold. Luckily you don't have winters like we do. Thanks, Stewart, this was a real treat ... I have never seen a Ringtail Possom.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  6. What a cute little guy. Nice shot!

  7. Oh, that is so adorable!

  8. Oh, yes! Adorable indeed and what a great capture, Stewart!!!

  9. What a beautiful face and so sweet eyes :)
    Really great shot !

  10. Perfect photo op. A real cutie---I hope. MB

  11. What a cutie, peeking out at you! Great capture, have a happy week!

  12. So adorable. A more exciting find than a bird nest, even.

  13. Such little sweeties. I know that many people consider possums and raccoons and ringtails (of all kinds) to be pests, but I really love them.

  14. Wonderful shot, Stewart, and a great reason to put down the broom!

  15. Oh, those eyes!
    Just saw the first one squishedin the road Sunday, a sure sign of spring here.

  16. What a gift! Beautiful shot and how blessed you are to have seen them ~ great photo for OWT ~ xoxo

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  17. What big eyes they have! You sound like me when it comes to wielding a broom--camera is preferred.

  18. Such a beautiful shot, Stewart!

  19. I echo some of the others who envy your good fortune in seeing a ring-tailed possum in your backyard. So glad you caught that photo, Stewart. I'm just getting back to the blogging world but it is always great fun to pay a visit here.
