
Wednesday 16 April 2014

Wild Bird Wednesday 92 - White-Faced Heron

The White-Faced Heron is a familiar and wide spread Australian heron - for the places I watch it is the heron I am most likely to see.  Its my default heron!

You can see them over the majority of Australia, with it being absent from eastern Western Australia and western South Australia.  (Which was a sentence that amused me!)

The is not a large heron - standing about 70 cm, with a wing span of just over 1m.

This bird was hunting around the edges of a small dam at Point Lonsdale.

Now its over to you!  Click on the button below to link up!


  1. truly a handsome heron!

    eastern western and western south was amusing. :)

  2. Love your default heron, Stewart, especially that middle pose. You always come up with interesting sentences, and only in Australia would you find that one.

  3. Herons are one of our favourite water birds to photograph. Great photos, thanks for sharing them.

  4. Now a White-faced Heron!!!! Just how many are out there?:) Thanks for sharing! Very cool looking bird.

  5. Wonderful shots Stewart! I particularly like the second one showing his yellow legs.

    Your sentence of direction was quite amusing and I found myself reading it a couple of times to be sure of it's meaning. :)

  6. Brilliant, love these photos Stewart. I don't have any birds photos right now but hope to join in next time.

  7. I love it ... your sentence brings to mind when I lived in Elmhurst on West Avenue. I used to give direction of " Take the North Avenue exit and go west to West Avenue ... turn North on West avenue and go north for three block. We are on the southwest corner of West and Popler." So I do have an appreciation for the difficulty of describing locations ... I am not over looking your awesome White Faced Heron ... our Herons are called Great Blue Herons, but they really look gray. Oh my, I think I need to stop. Great post, Stewart. Have a good day ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  8. Loved Andrea's comments that elaborated on your quote of the confusing range distribution (Probably both sets of directions were crystal clear to locals). I too have a few "default" species-- the list varies a bit by seasons, but I can rest assured that they will be out there to help me fill up my list of sightings.

  9. what a pretty heron...i like the tassled feather look in #2!!

  10. Herons are always fun to see. Big or small.

  11. Wonderful shots of this handsome bird, Stewart.

  12. I hope there is a middle Australia since the the bird is not East or West. LOL
    Neat looking bird. We have several Heron here but not a White-faced that I know of. M

  13. our blue heron is very similar to your white faced heron. i simply love the heron. it's such a beautiful bird. one of my favorites to come across and photograph. hope all is well your way. happy wild bird wednesday...

  14. Beautiful bird, Stewart, and terrific captures as always!! I do love herons!! Hope your week is going well!!

  15. When I first saw one of these birds I thought it looked so elegant! - but the harsh aggressive noise they make to drive other birds away changed my mind! Great photos.

  16. It's a lovely looking Heron Stewart... Many thanks for sharing.

  17. Stewart, your white-faced heron is pretty. It is neat that there are so many different species of herons around the world.. I want to see them all. Great shots, thanks for hosting. Enjoy the rest of your week!

  18. Great photos Stewart! I love the way herons change their posture. They seem like a totally different bird.

  19. Handsome and very elegant. Excellent series Stewart.

  20. A beautiful heron and beautiful photos.

  21. Herons are one of my favorites and this species is a looker! I like the white face.

  22. So love the magical colours of the water drifting round this beautiful bird.

  23. It's a beautiful bird, Stewart. How I wish we had this heron here. Gorgeous photos!

  24. Very beautiful Heron! Would love to see one.

  25. I had to chuckle at the location/directions, too. Nice heron shots It's nice to have birds around you can count on when a post is needed. Thanks for hosting.

  26. I love these Herons. They look very graceful while walking about looking for food.
    We will be down in 3 weeks. Not free for the first weekend as it's my Mum's 80th and we will be celebrating in the city.
    We fly home on the 22nd

  27. HI Stewart Brilliant bird shots of this beautiful elegant Heron. thanks for hosting.

  28. Great images of Heron Stewart.

  29. Stewart, great pix...they are so graceful...:)JP

  30. Around these parts, we just call 'em Blues. So purdy

  31. Your images make an "ordinary" bird stand out. Our default is the Black-headed Heron! Stewart, I would love to bird with you in Oz and for you to bird here with us in Tz! Greetings. Jo

  32. Looks like a mighty hunter. I've never seen a white-face heron before, thank you!

  33. Wonderful images, beautiful bird.

  34. Wonderful post, Stewart! Now I know exactly where to not look for White-faced Herons in Australia. I think.

    I love watching the herons hunt. If you expect to see one actually catch anything, you'd better have plenty of patience!

  35. A very handsome heron -- and I would love watching it as I love watching its American cousins! Your directional sentence confused me ...I am directionally challenged anyway...would probably get well and truly and permanently lost in your country!

  36. I like the idea of it being your "Default Heron" - it's mine too. That middle photo is especially beautiful with the blurred fore/background.

  37. First time posting here because I just found you! Thanks for hosting. ~Marlee~

  38. They may not be the biggest but they are the only herons I have right here.

  39. I love photographing herons, lovely photos

  40. this white face is so unusual. Not often you see iamges of it. :) Great one.
