
Thursday 17 April 2014

Obscured by clouds / I see the Moon

I was not a matter of planning that placed me away from the bright city lights for this weeks lunar eclipse - it was just a matter of good luck.  And it was just a matter of bad luck, that for most of the time the Moon was eclipsed, that it was obscured by clouds!  It did peek out a few times and I managed to get a couple of shots - but at no time was the Moon really clear of cloud.

These are the shots from the eclipse.

The Moon rises for the rest of the week were, I have to say, pretty good, if not better than the eclipse.  The Moon would rise, pale and orange and then turn the more traditional silver.

You can find more sky shots at Sky Watch Friday.  

PS: I am now very behind with replies to comments - apologies all round!  SM 


  1. These are incredible photos! I missed the eclipse, but I've sure seen some beautiful captures of it now!!

  2. wishing i'd seen the lunar eclipse. but enjoying your photos for sure... have a great day~

  3. Awesome capture of the eclipse, Stewart!! It has been too cloudy here in Portland for us to see it, but your capture is the next best thing!! Have a great weekend!

  4. Great shots! We had clouds about the time the moon was supposed to glow red. I was in bed anyway, and missed the entire thing.

  5. I was hoping to see some shots of the eclipse on SWF since I was too lazy to get up for it. Beautiful.

  6. heel mooi deze maanfoto,s

  7. Glad you were still able to view it with the cloudy skies. Nice captures of the moon rise too.

  8. Stewart, wonderful series on the moon! A cool sighting I am sure! We missed it, due to our cloudy rainy weather.. Have a happy weekend!

  9. Beautiful! I totally missed the blood moon / eclipse we had last week. These are wonderful.

  10. Nice ones. I forgot to hike up the hill to see it , just got the tail end when the moon rose.

  11. You captured awesome series of the eclipse.
    JM Illinois

  12. I had wonderful views of the eclipse but, unfortunately, not much luck photographing it!! Thanks for sharing these.

  13. you got less cloud than I saw from here Stewart. I was out there 'trying' for it though but didn't pick up any red ...

  14. Excellent. We also had clouds but so many we just didn't have a Moon at all. But you did get some good shots. MB

  15. Much better moon shots than mine Stewart!!! Well done!!!

  16. An amazing variety of moon colours. I think I like the radiance of the golden orange one best.

  17. So beautifully dramatic!

  18. Great moon shots Stewart.
    Greetings Irma

  19. No need to apologize about getting around to leave comments and visiting. You have your hands full and work/family take precedence!! Always.

    GREAT images of the moon eclipse.

  20. awesome moon photos, unfortunately it was cloudy here so we didn't get to see it

  21. These are gorgeous shots of the moon. I did not get to see or photograph the Blood Moon. The first night we were having thunderstorms, as for the rest of the week just bad timing. However, I am able to enjoy others good fortune in capturing the event. Nice to meet you.

    To visit my Skywatch Friday post click, here

  22. Very beautiful! I like the first pic the most!

  23. We had a great view here but Tuesday night is "family dinner" night. 3 of my adult children come over for dinner.

  24. Splendid shots of the moon Stewart, love these photos.

  25. I missed it. That golden moonrise is incredible.

  26. Great series Stewart, I didn't see it. I must get to do some moonscapes soon.

  27. I think you got some awesome shots Stewart!

  28. Stewart I am very impressed with these spectacular shots. They are grand!

  29. Great shots!
    We had some locals get some stunning shots of the "Blood Moon" & my Dad actually got some pretty interesting ones just on his phone.
    I slept through it all.. sigh.

    Have a great day, Stewart!

  30. It's been a treat to watch the moon this last week.

  31. You camera is much better than mine, great details of the craters. I did get shots in the first part of the eclipse then it got too hazy.
