Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Wild Bird Wednesday 322 - Pink Eared Duck

These are some Pink Eared Ducks (Malacorhynchus membranaceus) from Jells Park in Melbourne.  A busy day at work and the start of some (in my opinion) well deserved time off almost made me miss this post!

These duck are so great they need no more words!

From the look of these boys and girls I think spring may be in the air!

As ever, click on the blue button to join in with WBW.  Cheers SM


  1. You are so fortunattely to have these ducks in Melbourne Stewart. Great shots of them. Thanks for hosting and have a lovely week ahead

  2. They are very pretty, ducks I have never seen or heard of for that matter, Thanks for sharing. Cheers Diane

  3. Amazing looking creatures. I don't think that I have ever seen this type of duck before, really great looking. Thanks for the share, have a fantastic rest of your day. Keep up the posts.

    World of Animals

  4. They almost look like cartoon characters with such a unique face pattern!

  5. They really *are* great and really *don’t* need any further words! Thank you as always for hosting especially when so busy.

  6. Such an unusual looking duck compared to those I see here.

  7. True: these ducks are great! Particular and pretty.
    Enjoy your time off!

  8. It's always cool to see Pink-eared Ducks - so many crazy features going on!

  9. Pink-eared Ducks...I didn't know ducks had ears. Learn something new every day.
    Thanks for hosting the meetup. I need all the education I can get!

  10. Stewart, another unusual bird. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Beautiful ducks. I love their father patterns... Do they really have pink ears? I really enjoy these pictures. You are looking at spring, we are looking at fall! I'm glad summer is over, it was a real bad one. Hot and wet.

  12. I was thinking there might actually be ears... but just have to squint to see a teensy bit of pink near where a little ear might be.... darn it.

  13. What a beautiful ducks! I see the pink "ear" and mouth. Google has done something to my blog that will not allow me to read any comments. It tells me they are "secured content"....I've done everything I know to fix this problem, and am pretty upset about the loss of contact with everyone! Unless I can fix it, I may resort to just posting something now and then for anyone who wants to see my photos, and not participate anymore in the way I have been over the years. I don't know what is going on with them...but I don't like it!

  14. Someone I recently met told me I can use their pond which has quite a bit of"water fowl". I am only hoping I can and do see some. I know it won't be what you get and see, but there's hope!...:)JP
