The Soft Plumage Petrel (Pterodroma mollis) is a bird of the Southern Ocean between the east coast of South America and New Zealand.
Like almost all of the pelagic birds I have seen, this one was encountered on a trip out to sea from Southern Tasmania.
The Soft Plumage Petrel is a medium-sized petrel. Its plumage is dark grey and white, and its wings are narrow and with a pointed tail distinct in flight. It has a dark grey head with prominent white feathers on the cheeks and throat.
I have to say that I was a little confused by this individual bird due to the extensive darker plumage around the hood. However, you can see the pale plumage in some of the pictures, and people that know far more about sea birds than I do have confirmed that this is indeed a Soft Plumage Petrel!
I may have made a mistake, as I seem to have volunteered to be back at this work this week! Wish me luck.
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