Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Wild Bird Wednesday 263 - Puffin

The Puffin - or more correctly for a world wide audience The Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica) must be one of the best known birds in the world.  With its bright breeding colours and comical looks it is rightly very popular.

These pictures were taken at Bempton Cliffs RSPB Reserve on the same very dull day as last week's WBW.  I got very good views of one bird - who is the star of this show - and lots of more distant views of a good number of others.  Just to prove that life in not all good looks and sand eels, I have included a Puffin getting an ear full from a neighbouring Razorbill.

 Somehow, after my time off, I find I am back at work!

To join in with WBW, click on the blue button below the thumbnails.


  1. "I'm leaving. You don't need to yell," said the peculiar puffin.

  2. Fantastic puffin pictures. Sorry my post isn't of bird pictures, but it is bird related.

  3. Hello Stewart, awesome shots of the Puffin. They are adorable birds, great sighting. Thanks for hosting. Enjoy your day and week ahead!

  4. Puffins are just the cutest! I've never seen one but hope to some day!

  5. Hi Stewart. I think the Puffin may be the ultimate "ooh, ahh" bird. Hope you didn't make those noises while taking those pictures?

  6. I just love puffins! You captured some great expressions.

  7. Hello Stewart!:) Your captures of the Puffin are brilliant! Great action shot of the Puffin being chased away. These wonderfully photogenic birds are so appealing. What a fantastic time you must have had watching them, and I'm sure it is a birding experience you won't forget in a hurry.:)

  8. Those are the best birds ever! Or at least definitely the most amusing. Wonderful to see .,. We saw a few in Alaska ... Are those a different variety? I didn't know there were Atlantic ones ... and Pacific? Or Arctic??? Not surprising that I don't know that, since I couldn't even identify a wren in my daughter's backyard.... I am often surprised that you real birders even put up with me at all. Thanks for letting me in!

  9. I have seen both of them, in Scotland. One reason why I went. They are both beautiful birds and interesting to watch.

  10. Nous adorons cet oiseau surnommé clown de mer ou perroquet de falaise ;-)
    Céline & Philippe

  11. Puffins make teddy bears look like amateurs.

  12. OMW THat Puffin is too beautiful. And the Razorbill telling him off was a good capture.Thanks for hosting this meme. Have a great day. Jo

  13. Thanks fr hosting Stewart and your Puffin shots are wonderful. Have a goreat week ahead.

  14. Great shots Stewart, its a place I've never been to, looks like you had a good day inspite of the weather.
    All the best, Gordon.

  15. Love these birds with their clown like faces. Stroppy razorbill!!
    Hope all is well Diane

  16. All good vacations come to an end, unfortunately! :-( Great photos. As always your blog mem is one of the highlights of my week!

  17. Our first and only viewing of puffins was in Newfoundland 14 years ago. You got some good shots.

  18. Just had to stop by to see your photographs, they are lovely Stewart.
    Something nice about puffins.

    All the best Jan

  19. What a beauty, the bird and your shots! That's a bird on my bucket of these days...

  20. I love those puffins! Am traveling again and late for the party. Thanks so much for hosting!

  21. Hello Stewart, how I envy your Puffins!
    I saw them in Norway, a few years ago, but not so close...
    Nice shots!

  22. Puffins are so cuddly cute, though I doubt that they would go for the cuddly part. These are the best pictures, Stewart. You have captured personality which is not so easy to do. I found, many years ago when I still worked, that I needed to go back to work to recover from my vacations. Once recovered,however, you can start planning your next vacation and you will have all year to look forward to it. Life is good on a personal level ... globally, not so much. And you were right, I seem to do better with big birds :)

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  23. I love Puffins..They just make you feel like giving them a hug..Great colors..Wonderful pictures..Hope you are having a good day..

  24. Is it possible to take bad photo of a puffin? They are adorable and I envy you having seen them.

  25. Very nice series of images. Lovely birds .. Happy Sunday

  26. My daughter used to think her dad was quite barmy the way he carried on about birds, but she got turned on to it by a Saw-whet Owl I showed her when she was in her late teens. I wonder how many people had the same reaction to a Puffin?
