Wednesday 30 August 2017

Wild Bird Wednesday 266 - Oystercatcher

I like when things turn up in odd looking places.

I was out with a friend in a rowing boat on Esthwaite Water in the Lake District in the north-west of the UK looking for ospreys when I found these Oystercatchers (Haematopus ostralegus) sat on the roof of a boat shed.

I had been able to hear them for a while, but never thought of looking on a roof for a wader!  Finding these birds here in summer may suggest that they bred somewhere near as, over the last 50 years, more and more of these birds have moved inland, away from the coast, to breed. Given these pictures were taken in early June they may have had a nest somewhere near by.

I rather like the contrast between the birds and the architecture of the building.

To join in with WBW just click on the Blue Button below the thumbnails.  Cheers SM.


  1. i saw quie a number of Oystercatcherstoday as I was on a boat at Strangford but these shots of your are lovely Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful week.

  2. Very nice photos! I've always loved the bills on these birds! Quite handsome.

  3. Hari OM
    ...adapt and survive! YAM xx

  4. You don't say what month Stewart, but I'm guessing they had a nest very close by.

  5. OCs look good anywhere they wander. Very cool birds.

  6. yes, that is an odd place for Oystercatchers :) But they seem to like it:)

  7. Those are nicely composed photos! Yes, it seems odd to see them on a roof.

  8. Hello, the Oystercatchers are cool birds. Love their long bills. It does seem odd to see them on a roof! Great photos, thanks for hosting. Enjoy your day and the week ahead!

  9. First of seen of these birds. Beautiful.

  10. Oh how I love the Oyster Catchers and I agree ... the harsh lines of the boat house against the soft lines of the birds is quite artistic and the moss is the piece de resistance :) I especially like the shot of the one bird yakety yaking at the other ... I am guessing you would assume it is the female ... hmmm. Could be ... we do like to yakety yak :) So, great catch, Stewart ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  11. Nice shots Stewart, Yes I can remember my Dad talking about them breading on the side of the runway at Burtonwood air base near Warrington when he worked there, at the time they where the furthest inlend beeding Oystercatchers. That would have been in the late fifties.
    All the best Gordon.

  12. Hello Stewart!:) Well captured images, and a rare sighting of the Oystercatchers on a roof, but don't they look great,:) I love the contract of colours as well.

  13. Great shots of interesting birds. Cheers Diane

  14. Stewart, although I have never seen an Oystercatcher, your great captures give me a sense of observation. Thanks for sharing.

  15. I've not seen these birds before- great shots and the old building does make an interesting composition. Have a great day!

  16. Great catch with the Oystercatchers perched on the roof. I've only just linked up even though it's already Thursdat in your part of the world. Thanks for hosting. I've moved a few kilometers and the birdlife in my garden is prolific! Greetings Jo

  17. I agree! They couldn't be on a better roof. Great-looking shots.

  18. I like the oystercatchers, especially the one who looks like he's talking.

  19. Stewart, have you been listening to my conversations because that second photo reminds me of when my hubby tells me I cannot be quiet!!!!...:)JP

  20. I remember the Oystercatchers at the shore New Jersey) when I was a kid..Great shots Stewart..

  21. Fun shots of these birds, I think they are so neat looking.

  22. It's always amazing what you can find when you look all around!
    What great shots with the contrast of the birds and the moss on the roof.

  23. Wonderful shots! And I love that mossy roof.

  24. I don't know if I've ever seen them inland. (or just never noticed). Nice photos Stewart! Hope all is well...

  25. I have never seen an Oystercatcher anywhere but on the wet sand! Very cool shots.

  26. Good morning Stewart: the last time I visited the UK Oystercatcher seemed to be a fairly common moorland breeder and I hadn't realized this was a fairly recent phenomenon. It is a handsome species to be sure.
