Eventually Sunday's rain stopped and I was able to get tout - not to where I had planned to go, but to a small local wetland sandwiched between a bike path and a freeway. This does not sound like the most exciting location, but it is local and it normally holds some birds.
Before I had even managed to get near the water I saw some movement by the side of the path. I retreated a little and waited for a while. A slow but regular flow of post rain dog walkers may not have helped the bird quickly return, but eventually it did.
My initial reaction on seeing the bird was that it was a Pardalote of some kind, and this proved to be correct. Once I got reasonable views of it, the orange yellow rump gave it away as a Spotted Pardalote. And the grass in its mouth gave it away as a bird that was building a nest.
Possibly surprisingly, this small (8cm) nest is burrows near the tops of banks and other hidden away places. The books all seem to suggest that the outer layer of the nest is made of bark shreds, while the inner part is lined with grass. So, presumably, these beak-fulls are intended to line a nest somewhere.
This bird also goes by the name of Pardalotus punctatus - which means 'spotted leopard spotted bird' - and as you can see it has spots!
These were the first pictures I have managed to get of this species - and given their size, the less than bright light and the dog walkers (how dare they!), I'm pleased with the results
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