Wednesday 3 December 2014

Wild Bird Wednesday 125 - Welcome Swallow

This will be a very brief post this week due to a rather hurried work trip to Sydney - oh the glamour!

While I was out and about at a very dry section of the Point Cook Wetlands near Melbourne this weekend, I paid a visit to a bird hide.  The hide over looks what is sometimes a lake - but on this day it was a grassland!

However, I did have a great look at a pair of Welcome Swallows (Hirundo neoxena) feeding their young.  When I saw where they had built their nest - just over a poster on urban birds - I had to smile - and then I saw a coincidence that really did make me laugh.

Apart from a crop in to wide angle this is not manipulated!

This one does need to be clicked on.

Now its over to you - click on the blue button to join in with WBW.


  1. swallows are just adorable birds and their babies are so cute! love their bug-eating ways, too.

  2. Looks as if they are breeding well down under. Thanks for hosting

  3. Your Welcome Swallow is just like our Barn Swallow. We have them here on the lake (though there are no barns) because there are plenty of insects to feed on. They make their nests under the boat lift covers. I love the swallows ... they are beautiful and helpful in keeping the insect population down. Now your little pair must have thought they three is not a crowd ... I laughed too ... what are the chances? Great shot, Stewart :)

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  4. ahhhhh

    I think it is an awesome gift to be allowed to host nature. The Carolina Wrens love my carport.


  5. So nice to experience spring for a second time this year. The good thing that here in Florida much of the winter is like spring, only not as much rain! Yes, clicking on that photo really brings out the poster as part of the story.

  6. Well, this is a great aid for identification.

  7. They are so beautiful and how great to have them near and get to be their host!! Love it!! Hope your week is going well, Stewart!!

  8. How perfect is that! The swallows are cute birds.

  9. That poster really brings the story to life. Literally!

  10. That name always gets me......Welcome Swallows:) Just to remind you that the seasons are a changing:)

  11. I like the name Welcome Swallows! They are cute birds! Great shot! Thank you for hosting! Enjoy the rest of your week!

  12. Great photo of the swallows in the nest. I also love their bug-eating ways!

  13. Welcome swallow - what a nice name for a bird. Great capture of the momma in her nest.

  14. Sweet. I love watching them build their nest too

  15. Precious baby swallows! Thanks so much for hosting the meme!

  16. Aren't they clever! They picked a perfect spot.
    Wonderful find, Stewart.

  17. I hadn't even read, just looked at the pic and I thought what a spot they chose ... love that they are near a pic of themselves.
    How lucky are you to have a nest nearby.

  18. The sweetest little things...I have a story to tell about swallows...I will write it in my blog one day soon. You often kick-start a memory for me, Stewart. :)

  19. "Build nest here," the birdies read.

    Great pic, Stewart!

  20. Beautiful swallow! It chose the perfect spot for its nest! Have fun on your excursion!

  21. What an ideal spot they chose for their nest! Swallows are so pretty...wish there were more in our area. Thanks for hosting, Stewart!

  22. Really cute birds, and so funny that they made they nest right by a poster of them!

  23. Wonderful! I love to see the swallows arrive and their crazy flying is very entertaining to watch.

  24. Swallows are such pretty birds. They must have felt right at home, having their personalized shingle hung there.

  25. Beautiful picture of the swallow, Stewart.
    Lovely to see this, here in the Netherlands we to wait until April then they come back.
    Best regards, Irma

  26. They are so cute. I love the colors of swallows.

  27. Awwww... how cute is that? ......

  28. How funny that they built their nest right next to their picture. At least you can id them easily. ;-)

  29. Stewart, I really don't know how to spell...that noise someone makes when inhaling from excitement...but that was my reaction to this shot!!!!...:)JP

  30. LOL! They chose an appropriate spot! Swallows are one of my favorite subjects!

  31. Very endearing photo, Stewart, how clever of those swallows to choose that spot to nest!

  32. It did make me wonder which came first, the nest or the poster. Well spotted Stewart.

    Thanks for the chance to join in World Bird Wednesday again.

  33. Now THAT's a real birding moment! Nothing like a picture of Welcome Swallows to make Welcome Swallows feel -- well, Welcome!

    Now, if you hang a mirror in there the poor things will REALLY be confused!

    Nice capture, Stewart!

  34. I guess the swallows took the hint. Cute post. The mother swallow seems to have a smile on her face. I love to see them fly, and think about the insects they are eating.

  35. Beautiful bird, and I'm impressed with the building skills.

  36. Hi Stewart....

    Thanks so much for linking in at the Bird D'Pot this weekend. Your participation is appreciated!!!

    I do love watching the swallows.

  37. It was a good photo anyway and when I enlarged on it, it was a great photo!
    Very nice Stewart!
