Wednesday 28 February 2018

Wild Bird Wednesday 292 - Crested Pigeon

The Crested Pigeon (Ocyphaps lophotes) is a bird I see most days, as long as that day takes me near a sports oval.  In the past this bird was most commonly found in the more dry interior areas of Australia, but now it can be found in a number of urban areas - including Melbourne.  I assume that the short, dry grassland of many sports ovals in some way replicate the grassland and scrub areas of inland Australia.

These are a very active bird, rarely being still.  These birds were feeding near the edge of an oval close to my daughters hockey ground.  Once again, a car (or more accurately car door) worked as both a hide and a 'tripod'.

The Crested Pigeon is about the standard size for a pigeon, and when observed closely is rather good looking.

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  1. A really unusual pigeon there Stewart. I like the way that crest divides up like a kite.

    Thanks for the link-up today.

  2. Hello Stewart!:) Thank you for your good wishes. I must say that the Crested Pigeon is a very attractive bird. I had not heard of, or seen pictures of this bird until your post.

  3. Beautiful feather pattern! The crest is quite regal!

  4. when I was in NSW I always loved seeing this bird however most people did not take much notice of it. Thanks for hosting. HAve a great week ahead.

  5. Hari OM
    I loved hearing the 'whistle' of their wings when they take flight... YAM xx

  6. A very handsome bird! I wonder if they find extra food around the sports field. Back in New Mexico the best place to find a Clark's Nutcracker was at the base of the ski left where scraps and snacks were plentiful.

  7. Very different from our plain pigeons here. Beauty!

  8. Truly great captures, Stewart! Love the head-on shot!

  9. Very good looking! Happy new week!

  10. It certainly is a very distinctive bird and it is good that it has habituated to urban habitats.

  11. Beautiful crested bird which I have never seen before.
    I enjoyed your photographs of this bird!!!

  12. Hi Stewart what a remarkable bird this pigeon is. Thanks for hosting this meme. I've linked up. Have a great day. Jo

  13. I have never seen a crested pigeon,they are very pretty. Cheers Diane

  14. What a gorgeous bird, Stewart!!!! ...:)JP

  15. Stewart, marvelous crest. Thanks for sharing.

  16. What a fascinating bird! Really pretty coloring and love the headgear! Hope you have a great week!

  17. Cool looking pigeon..Never knew there was such a thing..great shots.

  18. such a cute little 'hair-do' they have !

  19. Love those head feathers, sure do make it distinctive.

  20. Very interesting bird! I've never seen such pigeons before.

  21. They have a devilish look about them, but I bet they are really sweet birds. I am in the midst of trying to get ready to move so I am not sure I have the energy for my usual verbose comments, but I do love coming over to see what you will come up with. I have to say, you do manage to find something unique every week and very often something I have never heard of or seen before ... by the way I read your expose'on "Green" and loved it. Green has always been my favorite color and for many of the reasons you wrote about ... it was so meaningful and well put. Someday, I hope you will publish your wonderful thought processes. Be well, Stewart ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  22. These guys are awesome!!!! Love their look:)

  23. That crest turns the bird into a rather handsome individual!

  24. They are a fascinating bird! They kind of look like they know how handsome they are!

  25. Wow...never seen before.
    Nice to see such a different pigeon!
