Sunday 8 July 2018

Watching the Whales

Late last week I took a whale watching tour around Phillip Island, Victoria. An early start - with a wonderful sunrise and rainbows - was in order, but all went well.  Strange how easy it is to get up when you dont have to go to work!

The whales - Humpback in this case - were reasonably obliging, although they did keep their distance a little.  We saw two groups of two and a possible singleton - although it may have been one of the others - during the tour.  Not a bad return for place that is about 1 hour and 40 minutes from Melbourne!

The whales were in travelling mode, so no breaching and such like, but it's still great to see them.

I'm about to have a really busy week - so it may take me a while to get to visit your blogs - sorry!  SM


  1. Seems like you had a whale of a time! Now that’s pretty bad isn’t it?!

  2. Whales at play. How exciting.

  3. What a lovely sight! I'm hoping to see orcas and humpbacks in a couple of weeks off the NW US coast. May miss the humpbacks due to the timing.

  4. We went to the Oregon Coast earlier this week and some people (including my husband) saw whales, but I did not (we were watching sea lions from an overlook). So I saw more from your post than I did IRL.

  5. I love anything marine related.My wish would have been to work with Jacque Costeau ??sp..What a life he must have had !!Great pictures Stewart..I would get up early any day to see them..

  6. How exciting to see whales!

  7. I can't imagine the grandeur of those creatures. I get a thrill catching a pod of dolphins when I'm crossing the causeway.

  8. We did this once in Newfoundland. It was foggy but we did manage to see and smell the whales. Yes, smell. Captain said it was a whale fart! We also saw our first puffins on that whale cruise. A memorable trip.

  9. Very nice excursion for you! I live very close to a small port that seems to make quite a bit of money from people who want to go "whale watching."
