Tuesday 23 October 2018

Street Art - Part 2

Hosier Lane is a short lane (!) in Melbourne that has become a bit of a hot spot for Street Art / Wall Art / Graffiti (call it what you will).

We had a bit of a look there last week - and in one of the adjacent lanes, where I found the cat.  The art on the walls changes pretty often, and a couple of days after we were there, an artist places 1000's of real tulips in the laneway.  The tulips were, for some reason, destined for land fill and the artist used them instead - part of the instillation encouraged people to take the flowers away.  I would have like to have seen it.

I like the chaos and free expression of these works.

You can find more pictures from around there world at Our World Tuesday  (I'll be in Cardiff when this is published - probably overworked!)


  1. Hari Om
    There is real art in there somewhere! YAM xx

  2. Some of that work is beautiful!

  3. You have to admit it brightens up a dull back street. I would like to have seen the tulips and how the artist display them.I like the cat.

  4. The one of the woman's face is pretty amazing....

  5. A little (or large) something for everybody there in that one alley!

  6. I think the fundamental question with street art is whether it is on public or private property and whether it is done with consent.

  7. Some of it is very intricate, interesting. Love the kitty!

  8. Some of it is excellent but it is a bit too chaotic for me!
    Still trying to get the computer sorted but will try to get back to Wednesdays next week!!
    Cheers Diane

  9. This is amazing! Especially love the 5th one.

  10. My what a variety of art on the buildings. Of course being a cat lover that last one was my favorite.
