Wednesday 19 December 2018

Wild Bird Wednesday 334 - Great Tit

On a number of occasions I have mentioned in comments that backyard bird feeding is not really that common in Australia.  Blogs from the UK and North America regularly show a host of birds around feeders in people's backyards.

While I was at the RSPB reserve at Ham Walls in Somerset, UK, I was able to get some shots of Great Tits (Parus major) feeding behind the 'office' in the car park.  The light was shocking - very, very dull - and it was rainy, but it was nice to see this bird with a camera in my hand.

So, WBW 334 may be a common bird for many people, but I really enjoyed catching up with some again.

As ever, to join in with WBW click on the blue button below the thumbnails.  SM


  1. Hi Stewart. Around here, and in wider England, the tit family have not done so good this year. It seems to be the usual problem, lack of insects.

  2. Does that birdfeeder actually have a padlock on it? Who is going to steal a birdfeeder? Yes, unusual for you to post pictures of a bird on a feeder. They are good pictures nevertheless. I enjoy your shots in the wild and envy your ability to get them. Have a happy day.

  3. Hari Om
    I saw more of these than blue tits this year... was wondering if they might be a more 'dominant' personality. Mind you, all tits tend to have 'tood'!!! YAM xx

  4. I was about to say that I am always happy to see a great tit or two, but that might be misinterpreted so I won’t say it..........

  5. It looks massive compared to our chickadees! Nice color and clarity in these images in spite of the conditions.

  6. The Great Tit keeps me company from outside the window during my breakfast for all winter long in Finland. He eats sunflower seeds and I drink coffee. Your shots are great!

  7. Lovely shots Stewart. Have to admit that we are regular backyard feeders.

  8. Hello Stewart. The Great tit is very temperamental little bird. Lovely photos.

  9. Great tits are always at our window telling me they want more food.

    I am in the UK at present caring for my FIL (6 weeks) so doubt if you will seem me again until February but you never know. Wishing you and all the birders a very happy Christmas. Cheers Diane

  10. Great photos of a beautiful bird!
    I enjoy going places to see birds in their natural habitats, but with feeders the birds come to me!
    Merry Christmas!

  11. Beautiful bird! Enjoy your holiday.

  12. Hi Stewart!!!..

    Beautiful series of images .. Happy holidays ..

  13. It really IS quite different to see a feeder bird here on your virtual patch (which is quite a wide-ranging one). Lovely little bird and one which we do not see here ever). We used to have feeders at our home in Oregon (previous life) but have not been able to for decades now. I missed them when we first started traveling, but now would not want the responsibility.

    Thank you for the year-long gifts of your great posts and for hosting WBW. Happy Holidays to all at your house!

  14. Lively little bird. Have enjoyed birding with you this year.

  15. A very cute little bird!

    Hope you have a great Christmas and New Year!

  16. Looks. a lot like the chickadee we have here. Merry Christmas to you!

  17. Such pretty shots! Enjoy your Christmas in the sun.
