Wednesday 13 February 2019

Wild Bird Wednesday 342 - Emerald Ground Dove.

The Emerald Ground Dove or just Emerald Dove (Chalcophaps indica) is common on Lord Howe Island.  It lives up to it's longer common name as far as I am concerned, as I dont think I ever saw it more than a few feet above the ground.

These birds were busy in the bushes and undergrowth all over the place, but this tendency to like shady areas made them rather hard to photograph.  Too much movement, and not enough light!

As you can see they are rather splendid looking birds.

As ever, to join in with WBW click on the blue button below the thumbnails.  

Feel free to spread the word about our little birding community in 2019. SM.

(PS: I think that the process for linking in will be different from now on - there seem to have been a few changes in the way I have to create the link - and from what I can see the actual link up is a little different as well.  This blog post may help if you are having issues. SM)

Inlinkz Link Party


  1. Hi Stuart... theground dove is beautiful...we have ground doves here, but they aren’t that lovely!

    I have a couple of unspectacular local birds this week, but I’m not able to link using this InLinkx upgrade .... I’ve tried on a couple of other memes and just can’t make it work. I’m in touch with the administrator and if I can figure it out I’ll be back, otherwise guess my days of joining are over. But not my days of visiting your blog! Can’t keep me away from that.

  2. Lovely bird Stewart but I had a Terrible time linking in in this new system!! It would not let me take a photo from today's post and because I schedule all my posts in, I had an awful time looking for a photograph. it took my at least 12 minutes so I hope you somehow can refine it so it is easier like you had it before.

  3. Don't know why Google keep changing things that don't need fixing. I got there in the end.

    That's a smart looking dove Stewart. Love that sleek green look.

  4. Much prettier than our Doves..More illusive as well, it seems..

  5. No problem adding my Link..maybe because I never got sucked in to Google+...who knows?

  6. They are beautiful indeed, Stewart, as is everything else about Lord Howe Island.

  7. Such a beautiful green on that dove!

  8. Such beautiful color, not expected to see it in a dove. Splendid images!

  9. I always think doves and pigeons are overlooked. I think they are beautiful.

  10. Hari OM
    You did good Stewart... I barely even saw them with the naked eye, never mind get one in lens!!! YAM xx

  11. What a pretty dove, love to colours. Hope all is well on your side of the world. Cheers Diane

  12. It is amazing how many different types of doves exist in the world... Thanks for sharing this new and colourful bird!

  13. Wonderful bird, notseen a wild bird with green wings, (exceot ducks)

  14. Wow

    You're wild on Wednesday. Calm yourself down, sir.

  15. Wonderful bird! TOO bad your new linking regime prevents my linking up! Ima miss participating in this...💓

  16. Such a colorful dove! Our doves are gray... maybe 50 shades, but still gray.

    I was able to link but Blogger inserted my Gmail address (which I rarely use) and would not let me change it.

  17. This is beautiful dovel!!! Thanks for sharing!..

