Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Wild Bird Wednesday 347 - Masked Booby

A very brief post this week - I have a few technological issues here - basically I have a rather ill computer, which I hope to fix soon!

So, here are some pictures of Masked Boobies (Sula dactylatra) loafing about on some rock near Balls Pyramid, south of LHI.

I was not able to get are really close up images of these birds, but as I have never posted any pictures of this species, these are the best I have!

As ever, you can join in with WBW by clicking on the link below - and also as ever, please feel free to share the love for WBW with other bloggers!  Cheers. SM


  1. Great species to observe, Stewart. And I think you are being a little harsh on yourself. The pictures are pretty decent.

  2. These birds are amazing. Anytime you get to see them out in the field, it's a good day! Congrats!

  3. Well Stewart Although my thumb nail photo is there when I try to click it is still says The site is non private. I just want to know if when you clock it can you get through to my site without doing anything else. I do not know what else to do to get this to work and I think if I cannot link it in, i will need to bow out gracefully from the meme. I also notice that Travels with Birds is in the same position. I know this is NOT your fault. This is a lovely bird that you photographed in this post. Thanks for hosting all these past years since i joined your meme and hope you have a good week ahead.

  4. I would be very happy if I had taken those photos, it would also mean I would be near the sea and might get some other interesting photos as well 😊 Have a great week, cheers Diane

  5. P.S your verification photos are driving me nuts I have to do it about 6 or 7 times before it like what I have done. Now here I go again ......

  6. I had trouble getting shots of island rookeries in Alaska, as the water was rough and we could not move very close to them. Your photos are great even at a distance!

  7. Hari OM
    Did good under difficult circumstances - techy trubs are the pits! YAM xx

  8. They remind me of the Northern gannet.

  9. we have a LOT of boobs over here.

    They're called congressmen.

  10. Beautiful pictures..Love their surroundings.....what little there is..pretty against the sky..

  11. Pretty birds- I don't think I have ever heard of these before.

  12. Once again, new to me, Stewart. One of these day, I have to hang out at the shore....just have to!!...:)JP

  13. Great photos. I hope your computer gets fixed soon.
