Tuesday, 29 December 2020

Wild Bird Wednesday 440 - White Terns

Well, this is the last WBW for 2020 - a year which we won't forget, but will be glad to be rid of.  

I thought I'd end the year with some pictures of simple light and beauty.  These are White Terns (Gygis alba) on Lord Howe Island.  One of my favourite birds, in one of my favourite places.

Lets all hope that 2021 will lead us back to these kinds of places and times.

So, with my best wishes I will sign out for 2020 and hope to see you all again in 2021.   Stay safe, stay well.  SM

Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Wild Bird Wednesday 439 - Australian Pelican

The Australian Pelican (Pelecanus conspicillatus) is one of seven Pelican species in the world.  These are big birds, with the Australian Pelican's bill being 40 cm - 50 cm long and they have a wingspan of 2.3 m - 2.5 m.

They are also fun to watch, especially on land where they seem just a little bit clumsy.  I think I would have to be in a really bad mood not to have a smile on my face when watching Pelicans.

These birds were loafing about at Swan Bay Jetty, which is about 120 km from Melbourne.  They seemed content to just sit, until a fishing boat arrived and then they were swiftly off is search of a free lunch.

These next three images show a new bit of photoshop manipulation I found out about in the last couple of weeks.  It involves using the in focus areas of two images to make a single image.  It seems to work well here, but the second time I tried it, it did not!

Anyway, here are the two original images (you can see how I shifted focus between the front and back bird) and the composite image. I think this may be about as far I will go with this type of manipulation - and I'll let you know when I use this method! 

This is the merged version

Anyway, I have a few more days at work - and then I'm free for a while, so I'll visit web sites, finally write some words and generally reflect on a pretty crazy year.

Stay well, wear a mask, get the vaccine if you can and click on the blue button below to join in with WBW.  

Above all else, have a safe and happy Christmas - and I'll be back for WBW 440 after the festivities are done and dusted.  SM

Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Wild Bird Wednesday 438 - Dusky Moorhens

The Dusky Moorhen (Gallinula tenebrosa) is a familiar bird in most wetlands in south east Australia.  It looks a lot like that (Common) Moorhen I used to see in the UK, but the Australian species lacks a distinct white stripe on its flanks.

These dark birds were feeding young in dark mud in an area with bright sunshine, so it was a bit of a challenge.  It seems that these birds may not actually be the biological parents of these chicks, as this species is know to used collaborative breeding groups.  (In fact I think this approach is more common in Australian birds than in any other region of the world.)

I have (finally) been able to organise some time away this week - and I'm looking forward to some time by the sea.  What a year!

As ever, stay safe and join in with WBW:  click the blue button and off you go!  SM


Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Wild Bird Wednesday 437 - Eurasian Coot

There are a few small ponds near my house - and I like to keep an eye on what is happening on them.  Of course, lock down made that rather difficult.  During a recent (post lockdown!) trip out I found this family of Eurasian Coots (Fulica atra) occupying the bank-side grass.

The chicks are delightfully ugly - with punk hair styles and huge feet!

I think that the pale tip on the beak is an "egg tooth" which would suggest that these little ones had not long come out of the shell.  

The birds seem to be benefiting from the scraps from the numerous picnics that were going on around the edge of the pond.

These picture look much better if you click on them so see a larger version.

So, click the blue button to join in with WBW.

Stay safe and enjoy.  SM

Tuesday, 1 December 2020

Wild Bird Wednesday 436 - Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo

The Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo (Cacatua galerita) is an abundant, obvious and noisy companion in my neck of the woods.  Their raucous screeching and generally eccentric behaviour are great to observe - but they can also do a significant amount of damage to fruit trees, electrical wire, gutters and downpipes.

I guess that they are just showing us puny mortals that we are not as great as we think we are!

Anyway, this one turned up a week or so ago when I was out and about, had a few things to say, eat some seeds and was gone!

If the truth be told - I like the third image the most.

So, click the blue button to join in with WBW.

Stay safe and enjoy.  SM