Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Wild Bird Wednesday 503 - Powerful Owl.

I was talking to a fellow birder last weekend, and he mentioned Powerful Owls.  I took that as an inspiration for this week's WBW.

The Powerful Owl (Ninox strenua) is Australia's largest owl, with males being as heavy as 1700g.  They are the apex predator over much of the SE corner of Australia - which is the only location in which they are found.  The eat tree dwelling marsupials such as possums and gliders and are generally a magnificent bird!

These pictures are drawn from four different times I have seen and photographed them. 

As ever, to join in with WBW just click on the link below.  SM


  1. I do love owls but we only have the Little Owl around here and very occasionally a Barn Owl. Great set of photos, well done. Hope all is well. Cheers Diane

  2. That fourth photo is priceless! I am still waiting to see my first owl!

  3. Hari Om
    Golly - one can definitely see their 'raptor' qualities, but the eyes... the eyes have it! YAM xx

  4. Hi Stewart, beautiful photos of the owl. I hope everything is doing well. Greetings Caroline

  5. That is a magnificent bird, Stewart! Thanks so much for sharing

  6. A truly magnificent bird and great photographs of them all. I would really love to see that Owl. Stewart I cannot link in without going through HISTORY for some reason and when I do that it always shows this gull (which of course is NOT in this post) Thanks for hosting and have a lovely week ahead.

  7. So many good photos but my favourite is the fourth one.

  8. These are such gorgeous creatures! Your captures rea wonderful, as usual :)

  9. Let's see, that would be 3.74 pounds... a big bird! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Fabulous series of pictures, Stewart. This is a bird I have only seen once, in Sydney, NSW, and at dusk high in a tree. Nothing so gobsmacking as your views.

  11. Spectacular photos, especially #4. I have never seen one.

  12. Niesamowita sowa, fajne zdjęcia! Nigdy takiej nie widziałam, nawet na zdjęciach!
